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  • I only do if I'm hungry or if I want to. And I hardly ever eat them all. I probably don't get an average of net 1200 daily, oh well.... I'm not "starving" ;) When I exercise more, I'm less hungry...
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    My minimum net calories is 1510 and I'm a woman. I don't eat more than I need. I don't rely on MFP 100% because I cook from home a lot and don't feel like adding every ingredient individually. I am convinced it doesn't matter how much you eat if you eat the good stuff, and you have to do some sort of exercise to lose weight. I have finally learned not to worry so much about everything else!
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    You're body needs the extra calories.. My FAVORITE example of WHY you need it eat is a coal train.. If you don't continually feed a coal train the coal it needs to keep going its eventually going to stop going.. You're body is no different. when you exercise you burn the "coal" if you don't put more "coal" in you're going to burn out!

    You may not lose the weight as fast but you should still lose! :)

    Good luck!
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    Dageeus - Net is the Calories consumed MINUS calories burned.

    If you eat 1000 colories and burn 500 your NET is 500!! :) hope this helps.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    It depends if I'm hungry. If I'm not hungry, then I don't eat my exercise calories. If I'm hungry, then I eat them. I think it's good sometimes NOT to eat the exercise calories because it might help take the weight off faster.

  • i guess when it comes down to it...i usually eat most of them...up to maybe 200-400 under but if i want it i eat it...but honestly i think the best advice here is ...TRY BOTH! see what works the best- if your happy and not hungry and still losing weight- thats the one for u...if you eat them back and dont lose- change it up...just see what works for you...everyone has all these differing opinions but when it comes down to it we all have to do whatever works for us best...
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yes, I agree..not everything will work for everyone. Just have to find what's right for you.
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    When you click on My Home, it says how many calories you have remaining well if you look at the end it says calories eaten - exercise calories = net calories (might not be exact wording but you get the idea.

    Basically its just the calories you've eaten, minus the calories you've burned. So if you eat 1500 calories, then burn off 500 during your workout, your net calories is only 1000.
    Thanks for explaining:) now it makes sense:)
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I exercise so I can eat more! LOL! I don't eat them all of course, but I eat until I am full. If I need an extra snack and I have extra calories from exercise, I will eat something. I notice on the days that I work out I am hungrier so I figure it's my body telling me to give it a little more.

    Me too! Although I did not exercise at all yesterday and I was really hungry last night. My calorie goal is more like 1320. I am not losing fast, but I want to make sure I get enough nutrients and don't feel hungry so I am okay with a slow but healthy change.
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    Please eat most if not all of your exercise calories! I understand if you have a 800 calorie workout, not eating back that many right then, but listen to your body! Most times I'm not that hungry when I get home from Zumba, I'm mainly tired! But I eat light, then see how I feel the next day. That's usually when I will eat a little more. I don't know that each day has to be excact on the old calorie count - but I think the cals should all balance out every few days. I'm averaging 1.8 lb/week weight loss with this philosophy! :happy:
  • I think your calories are pretty low for your weight. My highest ever was 270 but I kept my intake around 2,000-2,200 then with huge amounts of exercise to burn off the extra calories. I lost 2 lbs a week on average and went to size 141.8 lbs within 1 1/2 years.
    Right now im just at 186 but im keeping my calories around 1800 and just ignoring whatever my exercise "gives" me. I just eat whatever I believe is going to be a good level for me for my metabolism when im done focusing so hard on losing weight. I want to not gain weight and 1800 keeps me full and content. To drop to 1200 and have my metabolism adjust to having that as my 'usual' i'd think would put me at a high risk of gaining most of it back because its not going to be normal eating for me. I guess for me my weight loss is just a step but maintenance is life so I need to eat as I want to keep eating so that I dont gain yet can drop down my exercise. So... thats what I do with those "extra" calories and how I do what I do... I just got really lazy when pregnant and quit exercising and started eating 2500-3000 cals a day and packed on 80 pounds i have to re-lose :(
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I was eating my exercise calories, and I was still losing for a while. Then I stopped losing, so I stopped eating them lol.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I eat mine. Keep in mind that 1200 is not the magic "don't go under" number for everyone. i generally try not to go under about 1400 but I have no solid rule. But, I don't watch that # on a day to day basis because for me, I have to be under regularly for several days in a row to start feeling it, and then eating more for a couple days and I am back to feeling fine. I yo yo my calories a little bit. Meaning some days I might only have a 500 net calorie intake for the day because I exercised a TON and just wasn't hungry (today it says to eat 3000 cals... not gonna happen!), but the next day I might eat all 2000 (1500+ exercise) or even go over 100. So I don't worry about each and every day as long as I'm not creating a pattern of going way under because this does not affect me negatively.

    Also, if you have your goal set to a certain amount, and you exercise, then eating back only some of those calories should not take you past your net goal - it's not mathematically possible. UNLESS your net goal is less than your daily goal. If eating under your daily goal is not eating too little for you, then why do you have your daily goal set to a higher number? Hopefully that makes sense.... like, if you have your goal set to 1500 and you make sure you stay over 1200.... well, why wouldn't you just aim for 1200 in the first place not 1500 and it's OK if you net 1200? For me, I don't do this because 1200 is too few for me (regularly). So I don't get the whole "as long as you net over 1200 you'll be fine" mentality. For me, if I eat 1500, work out 600, and eat back 300. That's too little. It's 1200, but if I did that daily, it's too little. Eating back even 400 is probably too little and even eating 500 and netting 1400 regularly would be too little for me long term. (Now, I'm basing this on 100% accurate logging and cal count - eating back part or leaving 150 cals at the end of the day to account for error is another story, because you're actually assuming that you did get those calories, not going w.out them or counting them as an add'l deficit.)

    Hope this rambling post made some bit of sense to someone!!
  • anjuna
    anjuna Posts: 3 Member
    I have been eating all my exercise calories, but I'm not losing weight!

    I usually run 3 x5k a week and walk most days.

    I think I need to not eat my exercise calories afterall - but I am always hungry!
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