Results from weight training



  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I am 40, 5'9", and 160lbs

    I enjoy jogging and working out and will not allow myself to go back to my fatass that I was.

    Good job, man.

    There isn't any reason you can't jog as part of a lifting routine, but I think if you are running with specific competitive goals in mind (beating your previous times, etc) then that type of effort would definitely counteract your efforts in the weight room.

    You sound like you are tuned in enough by now to start playing around. Look at some of these other routines. Heavier weights and less reps tends to be better at adding mass for most people. If you start one of those programs and aren't adding mass, add 200 calories a day and see what happens. If you start adding mass, leave it there. If you feel like you are adding fat, cut back.

    do a good job logging and tweak your macros and see what you get.

    I agree. I used to be a runner (marathon, etc.) and had a hard time increasing the weights when I lifted. It's not possible to do both things well. I like the way lifting changed my body more than I liked how running did, so I chose lifting. I still do the odd 5 or 10k and obstacle race, but my focus is on lifting.
  • HungryHyena
    HungryHyena Posts: 3 Member
    There are specific weight training exercises targeting specific areas for runners that will help you improve on your running as well as help you tone up. Find one that suits you by googling it. Here's one example:

    There are others too. Find one that makes the most sense to you. Also, working your leg muscles burns more fat (bigger muscles consume more energy, legs>arms). So you can actually burn a lot of fat, get toned, and strong through weights. Always do some kind of cardio regardless of what some lifters say. You need to keep your heart healthy. When my lazy *kitten* does lift, I notice differneces within two weeks; nothing major, but I feel stronger and notice muscles starting to pop out.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Thank you for the feedback. I do not want to just be spinning my wheels.

    Good luck mate, wish you all the best
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I've been benching, curls, squats, sit ups, push ups, crunches, pull ups, etc

    I am benching now what was my max when I started so a 25% increase. I am just hoping to look more toned feel like I still have too much of a gut. I am an active jogger I am not giving that up but hoping to be a better runner by being better physically fit in general.


    My personal opinion, you need to choose one....
    jogging or a muscular/defined/lean look.....
    I don't see many people who do both have the look you are wanting.....
    I think you can achieve it, while doing both, but it will take a more focused effort (IMO)
    And plus you caloric intake will need to go up.

    I would say do 4 days of weight lifting.
    2 days of jogging,
    1 day of rest.

    I would also say make sure you are doing compound lifts as a staple of your workouts
    So squats, bench press, shoulder or Over head press, chin/pull ups, dips, dead lifts....
    Take a look at StrongLifts 5x5....

    Make sure your protein is recommendation (again my opinion)
    Protein at 1.0 - 1.2 gr / pound of body weight per day......
    Fats at 0.4 gr / pound of body weight
    Carbs can make up the rest of your total caloric intake for the day......

    Seeing as how you want to do weights and jogging, then you will need a fair amount of carbs.

    If you are still wanting to lose weight....I might would consider TDEE - 10% for your daily caloric intake.

    Great advice, Listen to Max he knows his stuff.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    . Always do some kind of cardio regardless of what some lifters say. You need to keep your heart healthy.

    You do realize that lifting weights is also cardiovascular in nature as well right??

    My Resting heart rate is around 57 bpm....and all I do for cardio is LISS...

    As you workout your body is pushing blood around, and lot of it during your lifting...ever notice your veins popping?

    So your body is always adjusting and trying to become more efficient at moving the blood around.....
    So it is a stimulation to your cardiovascular system, and stimulation results on growth.....

    Will it be on par w/ running/jogging?? prolly not.
    But my guess is the OP's cardiovascular system is doing just fine....
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Adult beverages are my vice. I know they can cause a negative spiral and I don't want to give them up but have to keep them in check. After 19 months of losing I am sure it is just having to have consistent work to get my body toned and more muscular.

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Adult beverages are my vice. I know they can cause a negative spiral and I don't want to give them up but have to keep them in check. After 19 months of losing I am sure it is just having to have consistent work to get my body toned and more muscular.


    and that requires lifting.

    You can do alcohol, just track and log it...And be aware of the effect it does have towards your goal.

    I personally don't drink....doesn't benefit me, so I don't do it
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    . Always do some kind of cardio regardless of what some lifters say. You need to keep your heart healthy.

    You do realize that lifting weights is also cardiovascular in nature as well right??

    My Resting heart rate is around 57 bpm....and all I do for cardio is LISS...

    As you workout your body is pushing blood around, and lot of it during your lifting...ever notice your veins popping?

    So your body is always adjusting and trying to become more efficient at moving the blood around.....
    So it is a stimulation to your cardiovascular system, and stimulation results on growth.....

    Will it be on par w/ running/jogging?? prolly not.
    But my guess is the OP's cardiovascular system is doing just fine....

    Agreed...I am a smoker...*I know I know bad bad bad* and I don't do "cardio" per running/jogging etc. I walk bike occasionally and HIIT sometimes...when I walk with my husband...who is younger, a non smoker and has an active job but does no exercise (well he does now) he was out of breath not me...running around doing paintball...he was out of breath...not me...

    So lifting does do a lot for your heart and cardio health.
  • jjhall1990
    jjhall1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys sorry for butting in but I wanted to ask the question here as the responses were very good and well informed.

    First of id like to say congrats to jrline for getting down to your BMI and staying there. My problem is similar in that I want to do it by using a weight training routine, I am 6"4, 24 and weigh 200 pounds. For the last 4-5 weeks I have been going to the gym and lifting weights 4 times a week and have not budged 1 pound on the scales and have not lost any inches as my tight trousers are still tight :(.

    I started this as I had read a few things about how weight lifting keeps the metabolism burning much longer than running etc and is just as good for losing fat. Am I doing something wrong ? At first I thought It could be because I was not eating enough calories could this be the case ? for the majority of the 5 weeks had been coming in at about 1600-1800 calories per day and sometimes lower, but since the beginning of this week I have started getting as close to MFP recommended calories of 2100 that I can, maybe you could look at todays and yesterday diary and see if it is a good diet for fat loss ?

  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Hey guys sorry for butting in but I wanted to ask the question here as the responses were very good and well informed.

    First of id like to say congrats to jrline for getting down to your BMI and staying there. My problem is similar in that I want to do it by using a weight training routine, I am 6"4, 24 and weigh 200 pounds. For the last 4-5 weeks I have been going to the gym and lifting weights 4 times a week and have not budged 1 pound on the scales and have not lost any inches as my tight trousers are still tight :(.

    I started this as I had read a few things about how weight lifting keeps the metabolism burning much longer than running etc and is just as good for losing fat. Am I doing something wrong ? At first I thought It could be because I was not eating enough calories could this be the case ? for the majority of the 5 weeks had been coming in at about 1600-1800 calories per day and sometimes lower, but since the beginning of this week I have started getting as close to MFP recommended calories of 2100 that I can, maybe you could look at todays and yesterday diary and see if it is a good diet for fat loss ?


    Not trying to be mean, but I have a feeling you are going to get told to read through the thread again. You are going to get told your TDEE, you are going to get told to start a good beginner program, and you are going to get told to eat at a deficit of your TDEE. All these things were covered at the beginning. Good luck!
  • jjhall1990
    jjhall1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys sorry for butting in but I wanted to ask the question here as the responses were very good and well informed.

    First of id like to say congrats to jrline for getting down to your BMI and staying there. My problem is similar in that I want to do it by using a weight training routine, I am 6"4, 24 and weigh 200 pounds. For the last 4-5 weeks I have been going to the gym and lifting weights 4 times a week and have not budged 1 pound on the scales and have not lost any inches as my tight trousers are still tight :(.

    I started this as I had read a few things about how weight lifting keeps the metabolism burning much longer than running etc and is just as good for losing fat. Am I doing something wrong ? At first I thought It could be because I was not eating enough calories could this be the case ? for the majority of the 5 weeks had been coming in at about 1600-1800 calories per day and sometimes lower, but since the beginning of this week I have started getting as close to MFP recommended calories of 2100 that I can, maybe you could look at todays and yesterday diary and see if it is a good diet for fat loss ?


    Not trying to be mean, but I have a feeling you are going to get told to read through the thread again. You are going to get told your TDEE, you are going to get told to start a good beginner program, and you are going to get told to eat at a deficit of your TDEE. All these things were covered at the beginning. Good luck!

    Yeah that's a fair point but I am doing all these things and then some. I know my TDEE eating less than that -10% and im not on a beginners programme. With all of this information I was hoping I could get some advice on why my weight/size isn't going down ?
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Well then the next two questions you are going to get....Are you weighing what you eat? Most people that don't lose it is a result of not properly logging food. Next question will be...You say you are not on a beginners program, what program are you on? Also are you eating back exercise calories or just sticking to the -10%. Also are you accurately tracking your gym results? I.E. is the weight going up or down, are you doing enough?
  • jjhall1990
    jjhall1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes too the majority of them although, no I don't eat back the calories used up in exercise what I eat each day tends to be fairly very similar each day regardless of whether I lifted that day or haven't at all. But yes weigh'd all food and track progress at the gym, feel stronger and lift more weight since started but not going down pound wise.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    MityMike is most def beefcake.

    But back to the original question Oh.. wait.. i seem to have forgotten. All i can see is the beefcake.. sighs

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Hey guys sorry for butting in but I wanted to ask the question here as the responses were very good and well informed.

    First of id like to say congrats to jrline for getting down to your BMI and staying there. My problem is similar in that I want to do it by using a weight training routine, I am 6"4, 24 and weigh 200 pounds. For the last 4-5 weeks I have been going to the gym and lifting weights 4 times a week and have not budged 1 pound on the scales and have not lost any inches as my tight trousers are still tight :(.

    I started this as I had read a few things about how weight lifting keeps the metabolism burning much longer than running etc and is just as good for losing fat. Am I doing something wrong ? At first I thought It could be because I was not eating enough calories could this be the case ? for the majority of the 5 weeks had been coming in at about 1600-1800 calories per day and sometimes lower, but since the beginning of this week I have started getting as close to MFP recommended calories of 2100 that I can, maybe you could look at todays and yesterday diary and see if it is a good diet for fat loss ?


    I would ask this then
    Are you weighing, logging, measuring all food u put in your mouth?
    using a scale?

    If you are then you are at maintenance most likely....

    How much time have you given it?
  • jjhall1990
    jjhall1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys sorry for butting in but I wanted to ask the question here as the responses were very good and well informed.

    First of id like to say congrats to jrline for getting down to your BMI and staying there. My problem is similar in that I want to do it by using a weight training routine, I am 6"4, 24 and weigh 200 pounds. For the last 4-5 weeks I have been going to the gym and lifting weights 4 times a week and have not budged 1 pound on the scales and have not lost any inches as my tight trousers are still tight :(.

    I started this as I had read a few things about how weight lifting keeps the metabolism burning much longer than running etc and is just as good for losing fat. Am I doing something wrong ? At first I thought It could be because I was not eating enough calories could this be the case ? for the majority of the 5 weeks had been coming in at about 1600-1800 calories per day and sometimes lower, but since the beginning of this week I have started getting as close to MFP recommended calories of 2100 that I can, maybe you could look at todays and yesterday diary and see if it is a good diet for fat loss ?


    I would ask this then
    Are you weighing, logging, measuring all food u put in your mouth?
    using a scale?

    If you are then you are at maintenance most likely....

    How much time have you given it?

    Yeah I am weighing it all :( which is why it is frustrating. But TBFi haven't given it ages...5 weeks just a bit discouraged as thought this would have been plenty of time to at least see a bit of difference.

    What is maintenance please ? Like i can guess what it means but is there something technical about it or what should I do to get out of it
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Yeah I am weighing it all :( which is why it is frustrating. But TBFi haven't given it ages...5 weeks just a bit discouraged as thought this would have been plenty of time to at least see a bit of difference.

    What is maintenance please ? Like i can guess what it means but is there something technical about it or what should I do to get out of it

    So you have not lost 1 pound in 5 weeks?
    And all your food measuring/weighing/logging is accurate?
    You don't skip things?
    Do you have a "Cheat day" or "Cheat meal"?

    Maintenance would be the calories you eat to stay where you are...neither gain nor lose weight.
  • jjhall1990
    jjhall1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Havent lost 1 pound no, that being said I suppose my weighing could be better I had just been going on what pack says for weight etc and things like that however from the beginning of this week have started weighing things myself however didn't think this would cause a big difference ?

    I had not a cheat day as such but weekend just gone ate worse than I normally would and when weighed myself in the evening had put on weight (probably water) as when weighed myself in the morning straight back down to where I have been.

    Hmmm yeah I suppose this could be the case, however this is worrying as for the weeks past I have been eating around 1000 cals less than my TDDE and about 4-500 less than what MFP has said and so if getting out of the maintenance means I need to cut more im soon going to be eating at the 1000 calorie mark a day which I know I shouldn't do and will not be healthy.