So demotivated - vanity pounds

I gained some weight last year and got in the process of getting back to my original, very slim weight.

The first pounds went off all right, I did the 5:2 for some time and it worked. But I couldn't keep up with the 500 fast days so for the vanity pounds, I tried to just restrict my calories daily. It was really hard, but I started to get those off too. Had a few setbacks, then at it again.
A couple of weeks back I went home to see my family. My mum and I went for fast walks every day but I still had too much to eat. I hadn't had any of her homemade pizza and lasagna in so long, and ate until I felt sick. I've probably had a massive calorie surplus and I can now tell that some fat is back on my thighs and tummy (I gain and lose quickly and when I am already normal weight it shows easily).

I'm trying to get back on 1300 again but it's so hard. I eat high protein and healthy fats but I want to allow myself a little something and if I include red wine at the end of the day, suddenly I'm so short on calories I have to go hungry to bed.

I know that when it comes to food and weight, it is easy to gain but so much harder to lose - I find this particularly true for vanity pounds, because it requires such immense self discipline to get them off!

Last night I had too much wine and went far over again. I'm just losing some of the faith in myself...Worst part is I'm a recent graduate and haven't had any real holiday all summer. Now I have chance for one sunny holiday in a couple of weeks - it'll be my only chance of real summer this year and I want to be in bikini shape :(

Anyone else battling the final pounds?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    How tall are you and how aggressively do you have your weight loss set? Sounds like, if you're hungry, you aren't getting enough calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How tall are you and how aggressively do you have your weight loss set? Sounds like, if you're hungry, you aren't getting enough calories.

    This was my first thought too. Unless the OP is very short, 1300 a day to lose vanity pounds is far too low. A weekly goal of 1/2 a pound per week is much more reasonable.

    Also OP, are you working out? From what you said, 'm wondering if you may actually be more concerned with the look of your body rather than the actual weight on the scale and exercise, specifically strength training, is probably going to give you the result you like better than a strict calorie deficit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Pick a small deficit to lose half a pound a week.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    How tall are you and how aggressively do you have your weight loss set? Sounds like, if you're hungry, you aren't getting enough calories.

    I am 5"9 and about 146 lbs. I am not fat by any means but I used to be about 16 lbs lighter than I am now and I miss it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    problem isn't the food- or your diet- or what you're doing- ti's with how you view yourself.

    145 at your height is spot on- no- you're not "fat" at all- you're at perfect weight range actually.

    vanity pounds take THE LONGEST to get off- you're body is fighting to hold on to them. Which is why it takes so much longer.

    Thirdly- are you lifting at all?

    You should probably get on a lifting program- give you something to focus on goal wise that you can put time an energy into.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    problem isn't the food- or your diet- or what you're doing- ti's with how you view yourself.

    145 at your height is spot on- no- you're not "fat" at all- you're at perfect weight range actually.

    vanity pounds take THE LONGEST to get off- you're body is fighting to hold on to them. Which is why it takes so much longer.

    Thirdly- are you lifting at all?

    You should probably get on a lifting program- give you something to focus on goal wise that you can put time an energy into.

    I don't lift at all no, and I don't know where to start. Slightly afraid of going into a weightlifting room with all those bulky men.

    But I've decided to start exercising again either way. Find one of those places in London where you can pay for 10 spin classes or 10 pilates sessions.

    I have been dieting and binging on/off these past days and feel awful. I know that if I start exercising again I'll probably feel more motivated to eat healthy.