what the eff?!!?



  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will go and remove the addition from my signature. Lol.

    I don't think I'm considering Lap-Band anymore, for those who noticed it in my profile.. I guess I have to change that too!! This is the most I've ever lost, and I'm starting to believe I'll actually make it!

    Thank god this is water weight. I can't make myself drink 8 glasses a day, but I could definitely drink more. How does water weight work? My body holds onto water when I don't give it enough?? How does sodium affect my body in terms of water weight? I understand that it makes me retain water, but does anyone know why?

    Thanks again everyone, I'll probably keep weighing in everyday, but only record it a couple times a week.. I Wii Fit to see my weight every morning, and it doesn't like when I skip days, Lol. Aaand I'm just to curious to not know..
    Retaining water because of lack of consumption, and high sodium intake have the same affect. Body retains because it needs to maintain a certain chemical/electrolite balance. So if you don't drink enough, it tries to hang on to water to keep other things in check....eat too much sodium, it needs the extra water to keep things balanced. That's the "simple" explanation, but it's somewhat more scientific than that.

    Why not add some lemon to your water for some flavor. :drinker:
  • jessimacar
    I definitely prefer flavourless water to lemon water, I'm weird like that! Lol. But thanks for the "simple" explanation about water weight, that's what I was looking for! It should help! :) I'm sure that's what it was. I didn't make any real food yesterday, so there was probably a lot of sodium, and I only had one water bottle. That would do it!! :)

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow now! Lol. If I drink a ton of water today, will I lose the water weight? What a weird concept.. Drinking more water helps me lose water.. huh.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I definitely prefer flavourless water to lemon water, I'm weird like that! Lol. But thanks for the "simple" explanation about water weight, that's what I was looking for! It should help! :) I'm sure that's what it was. I didn't make any real food yesterday, so there was probably a lot of sodium, and I only had one water bottle. That would do it!! :)

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow now! Lol. If I drink a ton of water today, will I lose the water weight? What a weird concept.. Drinking more water helps me lose water.. huh.

    I'm with you. I can't stand lemon in my water. It tastes weird.

    Don't get to caught up in water weight and daily changes. As long as the overall trend is downward you're doing the right things. And anyways, what does a few lbs higher or lower change? Do you look or feel different if you have an extra lb of water in you?