Colorado Marathon (May 2011)

SkierElle Posts: 335
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey! I was just wondering if anyone has or is going to be in the Colorado Marathon -Fort Collins (full, half, 10k or 5k)?!! I've done the half in 2009 (with 5 weeks of training = bad idea but I was successful in running the entire way), the 10k in 2010 and am planning on doing the 10K in 2011!! This time I am working on speed and doing some fartlek training during my runs, as well as Insanity to get ready for it. I may also do the Bolder Boulder on Memorial day weekend! Just wanted to see if any fellow MFPers are doing it! The CO Marathon (all of the races) have beautiful courses and are so much fun, if you're anywhere near CO you should really consider it!


  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Hm. I can honestly say I have never considered doing a marathon before, but for some reason, it sounds intriguing to me this morning.

    Where can I find the info on it?

    There are a lot of running training "guides" online you can search for if you want to try training for one of the races!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wish I could run the half, but it's a bit of a drive for me! And I'm not sure I could make it down for the May 1st weekend :S I hope you have a great time, Elle! Looks like a great course!
  • The half is almost all downhill and flat except for one part!! Meag maybe when you're a pro runner you'll get sponsors and could do it - haha! But seriously, May in Colorado is gorgeous, not too hot or cold, perfect time for a race!
  • Hey! I was just wondering if anyone has or is going to be in the Colorado Marathon -Fort Collins (full, half, 10k or 5k)?!! I've done the half in 2009 (with 5 weeks of training = bad idea but I was successful in running the entire way), the 10k in 2010 and am planning on doing the 10K in 2011!! This time I am working on speed and doing some fartlek training during my runs, as well as Insanity to get ready for it. I may also do the Bolder Boulder on Memorial day weekend! Just wanted to see if any fellow MFPers are doing it! The CO Marathon (all of the races) have beautiful courses and are so much fun, if you're anywhere near CO you should really consider it!
    Is that the one that goes partway along 287? we always drive by the racers on our way to church sunday!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Sounds awesome!! Though work won't let me - darn teaching where you've got fixed vacations. :(

    I'm not sure how good training at NYC elevation (pretty much nil) would be for something in CO though. That could be brutal!

    Good luck!!

  • Yeah, the half and full go along hw 14, then 287, through Laporte then on the Poudre bike trail into old town! It's a perfect course :)
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Dang. I printed out a training schedule and was about to look into a training journal -- and then I thought I might want to check the date for any conflicts.

    Completely forgot that I'm at a conference that weekend (for which I'm on the steering committee AND the board of directors!). Duh. Can't make it.

    But now I'm intrigued, so I'm going to have to look into other races around here.
  • If you want to do a 10k, the Bolder Boulder is memorial day weekend, I haven't done it but a few friends have and say it's a blast!
  • rcdonovan
    rcdonovan Posts: 6 Member
    Im flying outt from Boston to do the full. Cant wait. Someone above said they dont have time, Use Hal Higdon's program which is 18 weeks. You would start training on the 27th of December. Im bored and need to go to bed.
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