How does that happen?

So... I've been stuck at the same weight (174, Start: 200, Goal: 170) for all of December, and then suddenly I drop two pounds in two days. I confirmed this on two different scales. I didn't really change my routine, so why does this happen?

The only other time I had a dramatic drop like was the very first week I changed my diet and started going to the gym. I figure that was mostly water weight. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be down to 172 and within two pounds of my goal, but I AM surprised. Does this mean my body was in starvation mode? I eat at least 1300-1400 calories every day per MFP.

What's going on here?


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Have you changed things up at all? Our bodies get used to the calorie intake (whatever it may be) and to exercise as well. If you have eaten less or more (even if just one or two days), started a new workout, or increased the intensity of your workout then that would explain it. Congrats on the scale finally movin' for ya!
  • saj9291113
    You can fluctuate about 5 pounds in a day. If you weight yourself at a different time then normal that can happen. I usually weight myself after my workout in the evenings and I am normally heavier then when I weight myself in the morning. Plus I have just heard about mood effecting your weight as well(I haven't done any web searching on it though).
  • LaurieEReid
    Time of the month and bathroom time can cause big changes for me.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You can fluctuate about 5 pounds in a day. If you weight yourself at a different time then normal that can happen. I usually weight myself after my workout in the evenings and I am normally heavier then when I weight myself in the morning. Plus I have just heard about mood effecting your weight as well(I haven't done any web searching on it though).

    my body fat tester kit said not to measure body fat after a workout because of fluid buildup. I was at 20mm when I did that and the next morning I was at 19mm