Very little weight loss: Looking for non-traditional advice



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Nearly the same problem but not as fit as you.....tried everything, nothing worked for 6 months. I read about "resetting your metabolism" and found a book "Fast Metabolism Diet" and is working. Seems that putting your body through the same old rigamoroar day in and day out can screw your metabolism up, especially if you are not putting enough fuel in your body and with all that you are doing....seems you would need a lot of fuel. Anyway, putting this 28 day metabolism reset into action seems to be the answer for me....could be for you!

    metabolic reset? No.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It takes two hours of cardio per day for me to lose two pounds per week. If I do one hour, I hold my own - but- do not lose weight.

    You need to eat less. It's not about the cardio.

    ^^Yep, totally missed this.