c25k - Conditioning Question

Good Morning Everyone!

So for the last year or so I've been using the C25k app. I have had a few injuries that benched me from running for a month (or longer) and I'm finally back at it again! Yay!

One of the injuries, I hyperextended one of the muscles in my foot (in Oct 2013). I had to stop running for about 6 weeks, the doc gave me some stretches to do, etc... Anyhow, since July I've been going very, VERY slow on my progress. I started out on week 2, and repeated each week at least once.

I made it to week 5 last week. Well guess what....my foot has been aching again. Not to the point of pain, but the discomfort is similar to last October. I've been continuing to do the stretching my doctor suggested. I take rest days when I feel discomfort as to not reinjure my foot. Otherwise, my progress is going really great!

Anyhow - my question is - is this just a normal part of conditioning? Perhaps this is a form issue?

I have really great running shoes, I wear my foot brace anytime I run, hike, etc... I do use different shoes dependent if I'm going to run outside vs. running on the treadmill. Just because, if I run outside, it's a mix of pavement & dirt, so one pair has more tread than the other. And the discomfort happens sporadically, so it's not just when i'm on the treadmill or just on pavement. So I'm really thinking perhaps it's an issue of keeping proper form (??). Maybe?



  • parker313_99
    parker313_99 Posts: 17 Member
    Have you been fitted for proper shoes at a running store? Wearing the wrong shoes can contribute to a new injury or exacerbate an old one.

    If the pain is similar to what you were experiencing when you were diagnosed with the injury, you should see the Dr again.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'd say making sure the shoes are proper for you. Did you have your gait analyzed before selecting shoes?

    It could be form, though I don't personally know what kind of form issue would cause that specific injury.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have not had my gait analyzed and have toyed around with the idea of being properly fitted for running shoes. I do replace my athletic shoes about every 3-6 months, just depending on how they hold up.

    I emailed my doctor thru the Kaiser website and he said if it's not painful, to make sure i'm taking rest days between running days, stretch appropriately, etc... Which I guess I kinda already knew. I requested an appointment so I'll see what he has to say when I get in there.

    It's not pain as much as it is minor discomfort - but it is the same foot/spot as last year. At that time I ignored it, ran anyways and then I couldn't walk on it.

    I have stopped wearing heels daily, I mix it up between low heels & flats. I did get my bonus here at work, so I think that's what I'll do on Friday - I'll go get professionally fitted for some running shoes.

    As to form, perhaps i'm allowing my heel to strike the ground/treadmill too hard (??). I'm going to really pay attention the next time i'm running and hopefully that's all it is!