Got under that "plateau" weight (by 1.2 pounds) and now I'm

My weight usually hovers between 195-205 (seriously, I can be 205 one day and 195 the next), but I have the hardest time getting below 195, and then keeping it off. Usually when I do, something screwy happens in my brain and I think, ok, I'm doing good, I can afford a cheat food. Then I just give up and gain it all back. Now I'm at 193.8 and excited and scared at the same time. Can anyone help me out, give me some advice, words of wisdom, etc?


  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I'd like to know the advice, because I am having the same problem now!!!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Use that worry that your feeling to fight off those nagging temptations that tell you it is ok to cheat. Granted, it is ok to cheat sometimes but if this has been an issue and a reason it took a while to get over a hump then keep fighting the temptation girl!
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    That's so frustrating. I find that when this has happened to me, I eat really carefully for the next couple of days and really watch my sodium levels. Sodium is the big difference for me, I find. If I can maintain the lower weight for 2-3 days in a row, at least for me, it tends to stay at the lower weight and even if it fluctuates again on the high side, it never gets as high as it was before (so it would be under the goal). GOOD LUCK!
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    You may need to just shake up your routine a bit. If you eat the same size meal at every meal, then change it up. For Ex. if you eat a small breakfast in the morning, snack, lunch, snack, and then for dinner you eat the majority of your calories; then you need to mix the meals up. Some days make breakfast your biggest meal of the day and the make dinner a smaller meal. Or have a huge lunch and a smaller breakfast and dinner.

    when I was in weight watcher and down 30lbs I hit a plateau. So they gave me that advice and it worked.

    Another thing they suggested to me was to makesure you are eating your workout calories. People tend not to eat the calories they gain from a workout, but when you hit a plateau you might want to eat your workout calories so your body doesn't go into something called "Survival mode" . You body realized you were losing weight and then when you hit a plateau you are not eating enough calories to burn anymore fat so your body tries to hang onto the fat aka Plateau.

    So that's just been what I noticed that has worked for me in the past and I wish you luck!
  • Peppermaud
    P90X or Xbox 360 Kinect Adventures makes you sweat like crazy.
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    I wish I had advice but I have the same problem- except it is 152-155 for me. It is so aggravating- to the point where I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. I work out 5-6 days a week, pay attention and try to eat the recommended net calories, eat back my exercise cals...yet it's not happening. I log in everything I eat, started paying attention to sodium- drink 8-11 cups of water a day...At least if my clothes were fitting better I would feel better but I can't say that, either. I've been on MFP for a month now- I thought I would have lost 4 lbs by now, instead I just go back and forth btwn 152-155.

    I'm beginning to wonder if this is all wrong and I'm eating too much by eating back all my exercise calories. I know, I know I have read all the posts and i know the science behind it. I just don't understand why I'm not getting results.

    Good luck. :( If you learn something that works for you, please share...
  • rachel122986
    The same thing happens to me and im stuck between 164 and 161 I wish I knew how to just stay at 161 and lower I think it has a lot to do with me always having too much sodium and not enough water so right now im really trying to focus on water.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    No more self-sabotage! If indulging in the past has kept you where you are and you're not happy with where you are, it's time to create a new pattern.

    You don't have to be nervous now that you've broken your plateau because your past does not dictate your future. You can make the decision RIGHT NOW to behave in a way that does not lead to regaining the weight you've lost.


  • blakgarnet
    use that break in the plateau to help you stay on track... look how good you are doing!!! Of course, easier said than done!