What to do at gym?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here, and say don't worry about lifting right away. Instead, go into the gym, and do what makes you feel comfortable and excited to come back.

    while I kind of agree... if you're going out of your way to go to the gym- you might as well lift.

    She could do cardio ANYwhere.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here, and say don't worry about lifting right away. Instead, go into the gym, and do what makes you feel comfortable and excited to come back.

    You've got 40lbs to lose. At -1 lb a week, that's 10 months; saying nothing of maintaining that weight loss once you've done it. You've got time to figure **** out. If, right now, you're just going to the gym and running on the treadmill/elliptical for 20 minutes, that's OKAY. For a lot of people, it's pushing themselves to even get to that point. At this point, give yourself a break from needing to do everything 'perfectly', because the MOST important thing you can do right now is work on forming the habit of stepping through the gym doors 3x a week. Until that habit is formed, don't worry so much about what you do after - as long as you're sweating and getting some exercise in, it's better than what you were doing before.

    After you get comfortable going into the gym and doing your thing, then you might concern yourself with adding in some strength training. Previous posters are correct, there is a lot benefit that can come from it. But TBH from your post you seem a bit overwhelmed already - please don't push yourself so far out of your comfort zone right away that you never want to come back to the gym. Give yourself some small goals - walk on the treadmill 5 min without stopping, run a mile, whatever is right for your fitness level - and let yourself be happy about your successes at the gym. Then you can slowly ease yourself into the other stuff.
    excellent advice.