Staying under calorie range- how does it work?



  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    What do you consider a "deeper defecit"? I think you are wrong based on my caloric defecit tht I am only losing about .5 pounds a week (or 1 pound every other week as you had stated) Something is wrong with your math because I am crushing your calculations of my projected weight loss. I am past the "it's water weight" stage. I will take what you said into consideration but pretty much disagree.

    Dear OP -
    It strikes me as ungracious and ungrateful to ask for help and then disparage well intentioned advice you receive.You're free to disagree but do you need to say things like, "something is wrong with your math?"

    That said, if you have lost 10 - 15 lbs, try redoing your goal calculations. I think that is suggested. Also, a loss of two lbs a week seems very good to me.


    I apologiese if my tone offended you. Thing's easily get miscontrued in email type conversations. I am very direct and straight to the point and I want to be as clear as day, even if I come off a little abrasive. I wish I could have spoke so you could hear the passion in my voice of my own mission for weight loss, I have a fire under my *kitten* and I will heat up if someone is implying that what I have done will pose minimal results, also I am always up for a good debate. This is how I am, and by all means am not hear to offend anyone, this is me, otherwise I suggest to not read my posts :)

    If you read my post as implying that your efforts would pose minimal results, that's on you, not me. I wasn't trying to imply anything. If your log shows 250-300 deficit per day and everything else were accurately logged, you would only lose around a half pound of fat per week (~3500 kcal per pound of fat). If you're "crushing" it and losing faster, that means you have additional energy expenditure beyond what's logged. That's awesome that you can do that for now, but as you lose more, it's going to get harder to maintain that. If your food intake drops to maintain that 250-300 deficit and there's 750 or more you're burning that's not accounted for, you might accidentally undereat and sacrifice nutrition. I'm speaking from experience - a 1,000 kcal per day "deep deficit" is sustainable initially, but your BMR eventually catches up with you. Weight be damned, my own goal is to be fit and healthy, not lightweight.