Which personal scale do you have?

Which personal scale do you have? Do you have one of those with body analysis like Body Fat %, BMI, Water %, ... Which brand? Is it working fine?

I was confronted today that my body is getting more muscles and less fat, this is the reason why my weight doesn't drop for 20 days. And only 1 kg per month, when MFP predicts around twice. Only my body composition is changing, it seems. :drinker:

I wasn't expecting because I have an old digital personal (body) scale from the brand Soehnle :blushing:


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey. I saw on my news feed where you had posted this, but I haven't had a chance to get over here until now. {it's my housecleaning day} My scale is made by Conair, but is branded Weight Watchers. It is a good scale, but doesn't have all the bells and whistles some have. Many will connect with your wireless device {ie.. smartphone} to record your daily weigh-in. Mine doesn't do that. I just jot it down with an old fashioned pen and paper. It is nice to look back and see trends.

    I should say that mine measures Body Fat%, Body Water%, BMI and Bone Density. Like I said on the news feed, it is just an estimate, but you can use it to see changes over time. You have to log in your sex, height and age, and it will figure the stuff for you.

    I'm sure you know all this already, but I will go ahead and say it. You need to weigh at the same time, with the same amount of clothes each time. I weigh in the morning, after I have used the bathroom, but before I have taken a drink of water. I always weigh naked, that way it is the same every time.

    And if your feet are wet, either from sweat or with water, it will effect the measurements. That is because the scale uses a small electrical current running through your feet to measure the different things.

    Hope this helped some,

  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Mine's a Tanita which has Body fat%, and is about 10 years old. BUT the only thing I use the Body Fat% is to gauge how much water I'm retaining after a night out of cocktails which helps me interpret the scale weight up or down. Honestly, the body fat thing is horrendously inaccurate, although the number has been steadily going down indicating I'm losing body fat, I guess.
  • natashac84
    natashac84 Posts: 7 Member
    I use my Wii Fit board hehe. I usually don't pay too much attention to my weight, its more about my other measurements.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    A cheap scale from Target.

    I do have an Omron body fat analyzer, though it's accuracy is questionable.
  • MariadfdCruz
    MariadfdCruz Posts: 69 Member
    My personal scale measures the body fat %, muscle % and water %, besides the weight.
    It can be used for 9 users and it stays in the memory last measures. Each time I weight myself will have an arrow up or down in each measure. Though, each time my weight goes up, all goes up except muscles goes down. Not trustable, for my point of view.

    I measure the body fat in the gym and it was similar to my scale. I think my weight goes up due to the water, but my scale seems to not recognise that. When I go to the gym, I drink much more and next day my weight is around 0.5 kg up.