I have always known how to workout...

MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
but never knew how to eat.

being an athete growing in high school and university, i knew what to do in the gym. but the most important compontent, nutrition is where i have always been lacking.

i was uneducated in the importance of nutrition, i never bothered to consider it. i would eat what i wanted, whenever i wanted to. and that is why, when i no longer played sports, i put on tons of weight.

so finally, at age 33, i am starting to entertain the wealth of information out there. i find it is important to weed out some of the information because a lot of it isn't suitable for me. i try options that will suit my lifestyle, making my weight loss sustainable.

this site has helped in so many ways. take the time to learn the various logging options. i have only been on for a short while, but it really has been the backbone of my little success thus far.

enjoy the boards!


  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Agreed. I have always been an "athletic fat guy". I played sports throughout growing up (soccer and baseball) skatedboarded in jr.high and a little bit in high school. and played football. I have ALWAYS attened a gym and learned a lot about the weight room in high school.

    I knew what foods were good to eat but I was in denial about it, and ate what ever I wanted for the most part. Also partying on the weekends in high school, college, and into my 20s and early 30s also catches up. You cant eat pizza at 1am after a long night of drinking.

    I have made drastic changes to my diet (life style) in how I approach food. I order healthier when I am out, cook more food at home, cut out junk for snakcs, and I am projecting to lost a total of 13 pounds this month (we will find out Saturday) due to my better habits.

    This site has been a huge help for me as well. I plan to do 1 board post a day to keep me motivated and answer any questions where I feel can help.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    They say bad things come in threes, so I guess I'm the third to admit this.

    In highschool I was a wrestler but I wrestled 185 and only weighed 175 due to all the work outs. I always tried to put on weight as everyone else was trying to make weight. Needless to say I wasn't really popular on the bus to the wrestling matches as I was pounding food, while others were spitting in cups.

    Post highschool, lots of partying and very little attention to weight. After about a year, I got on the ball and started to hit the gym 6 days a week for 2 hours. I had a ton of defined muscle mass, but because my eating was FAR from tolerable, it hid a great deal of the work. There was a short period where it was looking good, but if it wasn't for the 2 frozen burritos and a can of chilli at midnight as I got home from the gym, I probably would have been Arnolds stunt double in Terminator???

    Needless to say it's been a few decades and I've finally decided to do something about it. Knowing nutrition is the key, that is where I'm starting. I'm too damn old to worry about competing any any body building competition, but I would like to get rid of the extra 70 I've put on and at least feel comfortable in my skin.

    My eating has changed with some work. I've been exercising 4 days a week min and I'm taking it slow. It's PAINFUL that it takes this long, but I think this is it. My mind is finally where it needs to be. Reading these forums and seeing the success that others have had, gives me hope. Good luck to all on your jouney. I think if your on the forums, you are making the right first steps. Now just put it into action. Starting NOW!.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Yeah, pretty common problem. I was involved in all manner of athletics growing up with track and field being my primary sport from 2nd grade through graduating high school. At one point my senior year I was ranked 3rd in the state in the 100 meters if you can believe it. Subsequent to graduation I left for the military where i was again, very active learning and training how to kill people and whatnot.

    I never even considered nutrition...didn't need too...I was always pretty much rail thin. I actually put on a bit of weight in the military and started filling out a bit, but that was primarily muscle and I was still very lean...I had no problem maintaining about 10% BF those days.

    I started putting on weight when I left the military and started college. I was still active, but not nearly as much so. I really didn't put on a lot, but enough to have a little bit of a beer belly by the time I was 30 when I graduated. I didn't really pay it too much mind as basically I was still at around 15% BF...still working out and being relatively active compared to most of my friends.

    After graduation I started working behind a desk...8 years later I had put on 50 Lbs of pure fat...I continued to eat like I was killing it in the gym every day...in reality I was lucky to make it to the gym once per month. By the end of it all I was so out of shape and gassed by my 2-3 PAD smoking habit that I could barely walk around the block. I had knee pain, back pain, couldn't breath, etc. I fooled myself for awhile into thinking it was just getting older and, "well that **** happens"...then I finally got my **** together.

    All my bad blood work has been reversed...my nutritional profile is outstanding...and I am healthier and as fit if not more so than when I was in college in my mid 20s. Awesome...