Anyone trying to lose about 30-50 pounds?

Hello, i lost about 8 pounds since I started my diet and have 25 more pounds to lose. Anyone here in the same range?? Looking for encouragement


  • karelyvazquez3
    karelyvazquez3 Posts: 25 Member
    Thats awesome! How did you do it?
  • livingforjesus90
    Well, I started last month. However, my body is starting to slow down in losing weight .. No clue why. I cut back on a lot of things. No soda, no rice, no dressing on my salad. When I crave sugar I eat watermelon. Here's my common meals: beans with no oil for breakfast or eggs. For lunch I have a grilled chicken salad or a grilled chicken sandwich with wheat bread.(no cheese at all). Or cheese every once in a whole. And for dinner I either don't eat dinner or I have a fruit or a vegetable soup with no oils or anything fattening .. I hate exercise, but I usually have to walk around campus in college and that's about it.
  • karelyvazquez3
    karelyvazquez3 Posts: 25 Member
    I also hate exersize :( long walks are great for losing weights. Also zumba is so much fun and a great workout. I am eating things similar to you. Im just starting today and its also a bit hard to find motivation
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in that range! I was down 12.6 lbs in three weeks and I weigh in again tomorrow. I'm doing carb cycling.
  • livingforjesus90
    You can do it! Take your time!!!!! :)) and be healthy. Eat grilled chicken and lots of fruits. You can do it. Trust me, if I can do it then u can do it !!!!
  • livingforjesus90
    How did u lose 12 pounds in 3 weeks?? What do you eat?
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    I do carb cycling 2 days low carb then 1 day high carb. Every Saturday is free day. I'll add you so you can look at my diary.
  • livingforjesus90
    Can u post ur meals? Thanks!
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    You can see them on my diary, But I'll post them here too. I eat 5 small meals a day

    Low carb days
    1. Protein shake
    2. Vemma bode burn drink, baby carrots, sunflower seeds
    3. Chicken breast, baby carrots, sunflower seeds
    4. Greek Yogurt, carrots, sunflower seeds
    5. Chicken breast, green beans, sunflower seeds

    High carb days
    1. Protein shake
    2. Vemma bode burn drink, baby carrots, apple
    3. Chicken breast, baby carrots, apple
    4. Protein shake
    5. Chicken breast, green beans, baked potato
  • felicamo
    felicamo Posts: 5 Member
    I started MFP in July. Hoped to lose about 40lbs. So far I've lost 10. To lose, you have to eat, otherwise your body will begin to store calories(fat). If you add me you can see my diary as well.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member

    Edit...errrrr actually I just reread your post and don't think our eating habits are really the same. I don't recommend eating so little. Be healthy. best of luck.
  • ddesme01
    ddesme01 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started today myself. Trying to get back on track after gaining like 30 pounds in the last year. I didn't even realize I was doing it and clothes were tight! Ugghhhh! Well, back at it! We can all do this. I am trying to either walk outside or work out at fitness center for an hour 3 times a week. I love to walk and don't mind the treadmill and doing some weights. The hard part is fitting this in with two jobs and an hour drive each way to my day job. Not an easy task, but I'm going to do it so I can get back into my clothes. :smile:
  • livingforjesus90
    Wow! You sounds so motivated! You can do it. If I were you, I would sacrifice an hour of sleep to exercise (if I were like u and I liked exercising hahaha) but anyways when do u think u will reach ur goal??
  • ddesme01
    ddesme01 Posts: 2 Member
    Well, at two pounds a week, which is what I am shooting for, I'm hoping to be down 30 pounds by mid-December. This may be a bit ambitious, but I'm hoping! I'd like to lose another 40 to 45 on top of this, but baby steps! LOL
  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    Hi- you can add me- although I do exercise. I'm 44, so my base calorie burn is a lot lower than younger peoples. If I don't exercise, I practically starve trying to create a deficit. I have about 20 pounds to go- I'd like to lose 30 more, but I don't think that's realistic with my age and menopause setting in. I've heard I'm supposed to be a little bit heavier at this stage in life!

    Best of luck to you!
  • Crystlee80
    Crystlee80 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello I started 7/1 and have lost 17bs since I still have about 35 more to go to what I think will be my goal, however I will let my body determine and tell me what is my true goal weight whether it be more or less.
  • dw4378
    dw4378 Posts: 35
    I have a little bit of a higher goal than you shooting for 50lb weightl loss.. I want to have at least 35 of it off by the end of the year and the rest in 2015. I started a 12 week program on my birthday August 10th and have currenlty lost 7.5 lbs, so hope to be able to keep this momentum going. Need all the support and tips I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    Roughly same range for me, 30 lbs. or so, but I am way more concerned with body fat % lost, and not overall weight.

    What made a difference for me in the past month was getting a FitBit Zip and walking 10K steps per day, which is about 4 miles. I eat slightly under maintenance, so I am not hungry, and with the added walking calories burned, I get a nice deficit on my non-weight lifting days.

    On weight training days, I still walk the 10K, but I also burn about 400 additional calories in the gym, and am working hard to maintain muscle so I don't lose it.

    So far, so good. I lose about 1 to 1.5 lbs. per week, which is the slow and steady progress you want to make.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    Hi- you can add me- although I do exercise. I'm 44, so my base calorie burn is a lot lower than younger peoples. If I don't exercise, I practically starve trying to create a deficit.

    Isn't it funny how age works that way? 42 here, and really notice how exercise makes a huge impact; it's a better way to create the deficit, IMO. I hate starving myself. I won't do it ever again. So the key for me has been moderation; eating slightly below maintenance, and exercising a lot.
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, I am in the same situation, I lost 27 lbs up to now, I started seriously after Christmas....I am in a plateau since the last 2 months.
    Gained alot of weight afer my 2 pregnancies. I am adding you :)