2010: The Year of Changes!

The subject about sums up my life!

I am on this site to improve my health and for encouragement to 'get my body back'. What that means to me is having a body I can be proud of. At 26yrs old, I am still young and while I am a proud mom, I don't want people to look at my body and know I had a child. I am the typical eater when I am busy...I go a long time without eating then realize I'm starving and overeat! Horrible habit to get into! I ran a lot before I got pregnant but ended up being put on strict bedrest for the last few months of my pregnancy. With working a new job (new attorney, which requires an 'interesting' work schedule), having a new baby, and not having been able to work out for months, the lastg few months have seen me out of shape and flabby! Plus, it doesn't help I've had downtime with work the past month so I have been home more...and it's cold out...which leads me to want to cook a TON! One would think that being vegetarian would be a blessing during weight loss but honestly, I eat more carbs than most people because fruit and veggies aren't much to fill a person up...bring on the bread and pasta! Oh, and don't forget the sweets. I am genuinely the kind of person who can be having a bad day and chocolate can make my whole day turn around :)

I'm not considered 'overweight' and my BMI is considered 'normal' (though I wonder about the BMI calculater...it says someone my height can weigh 102 and still be considered healthy...I looked incredibly thin at 110). So I'm here to...trim up. To sculpt myself back into a better version of myself. When I look good, I feel good.

I'm not a fan of calorie counting...why? Because it makes me be conscious of what I eat :P It's a great tool to make a person realize what is entering their body. Even after 2 days, I am hesitant to consume something unhealthy because I know I will have to mark it down on this website.

I feel as though if I can encourage others and vice versa, I can make this work! Diets don't work in my opinion...lifestyle changes do! The key to weightloss, in my uneducated-on-the-subject opinion, is everything is moderation. Use common sense. Easier said than done, which is why I am really glad my cousin opened me up to this website! I can do this...because all of you are doing it to! It feels good to know I'm not alone here...with encouragement, we can take back our bodies and our health, right!?
