Freaking Out!



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Further adding, as I had some more thoughts:
    I saved myself the agony and weighed myself yesterday instead - and to my surprise I was only 9 stone 13lbs, FEWF!! On both Tuesday and Wednesday I only ate about 1000kcal, which freaked me out in itself as I am convinced I put on weight if I eat anything above 600kcal.

    Well, my theory is yet to be proven wrong as this morning I weighed myself and the scale read 10 stone 2.2lbs!! so that's a 3lb increase since YESTERDAY!!

    Well, technically, you surprised yourself with how little the scale moved up after a binge, correct? So IS your theory really being proven correct? If the scale went up further, even after a low day, it's most likely just water retention... and in my experience, eating more than you're used to can back you up for a few days (so even if you're having regular bowel movements, you might need a few days to clear yourself out).

    I don't deny that years of undereating probably slowed things down, but I can also tell you (though I don't like to rely on anecdotes): I was in the same boat, I have no thyroid, I had my adrenals shut down twice AND I have constantly fluctuating thyroid levels... and even I don't gain at 1000k. And it doesn't appear you do, either; you're just dealing with normal fluctuations that make people like us (People with or recovering from EDs) freak out.

    Though I still urge you to find someone specialized in EDs to help you, you might want to look into reverse dieting in regards to "healing" your metabolism.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Go back to the GP. Do not leave until you get a referral to someone who can help you with your eating disorder.

    In the meantime, see if you can focus on eating to keep yourself healthy instead of eating under a certain calorie goal. So plenty of fruit and veg, lean protein, make sure you're drinking enough water. Try to shift your focus.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I think that you are very sick right now and need professional help to get better.