does this sound like a healthy diet?

Okay so on Jan 3 I'm starting to get really strict with my diet. I've been working it out in my head, and I needed some input. Does this sound like a healthy diet for a 24 year old woman who is 5'6 and weighs about 130lbs. I'm also going to start p90x, so i also want to make sure I'm getting the right nutrients and enough calories....

at 5am i will get up and have a snack of 1 piece of peanut butter toast and a glass of skim milk before my workout

after workout I will eat either 2 packets of instant oatmeal with skim milk or turkey bacon, eggs and a peice of toast

snack mid day-fruit and yogurt

lunch-big salad with 2 cups of lettuce, 1 cup of bell peppers and cucumbers and 2tbsp of fat free italian dressing and either a veggie quesadilla, soup, tuna melt or whole wheat pasta with red pasta sauce

snack-fruit, nuts or string cheese

dinner- another big salad and 2 cups of veggies and a lean protein and maybe brown rice.


does this sound good?


  • Manda1987
    It sounds healthy, but if you're going to be burning a lot of calories, you need to make sure that you're not going to be way under your calorie requirements. Have you tried plugging it in?
  • aallison85
    aallison85 Posts: 97 Member
    I would just plug it in and make sure you are eating enough with your exercise :) Good luck!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    It looks good but as Manda said you might want to type it in to make sure it's not to low in calories. Also if your working out in the morning you might want to add a banana for the potassium. You don't want to get light headed during your workout. Good luck and happy healthy eating!!
  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    No to be mean, but holy cow that sounds boring! I would go insane. With that being said, if those are the foods you enjoy, good for you! It sounds like you're at a good weight for your height. Maybe you should stick with maintaining your weight and work on toning. That's what I would do in your situation!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Are you doing the Lean or Classic Program? If in doubt do the Classic, that is the way the program was designed.

    The P90X workouts burn tons of calories. Depending upon the workout I can burn upwards of 600 calories, but I'm male and 190 pounds.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    No to be mean, but holy cow that sounds boring! I would go insane. With that being said, if those are the foods you enjoy, good for you! It sounds like you're at a good weight for your height. Maybe you should stick with maintaining your weight and work on toning. That's what I would do in your situation!

    I was thinking how yummy all of that sounded! But as they say, to each his own. Good luck!!!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ditto! They sound like good food choices, but you won't know if it is low in protein or high in sodium until you plug it in.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Truthfully it sounds too low in protein and too processed. Instant oatmeal is no better for you than a bowl of sugary cereal.

    Don't focus on writing down a meal plan that strict and expect to stick with it.

    I also don't think that at 5'6" and 130, you have much, if any, weight to lose. I'd focus more on health and body composition.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Well since you asked - replace the instant oatmeal with quick oats/quick steel cut oats. I would say no milk before you work out (unless you've done it before) as it'll probably mess with your stomach. I would say stick to a banana before your workout, pb toast may be too heavy...but you can try it? I would throw some chicken into your lunch salad for some protein.

    Looks pretty good otherwise though.
  • JulieBoBoo
    looks good to me but I'm not a nutritionist. GL
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    No to be mean, but holy cow that sounds boring! I would go insane. With that being said, if those are the foods you enjoy, good for you! It sounds like you're at a good weight for your height. Maybe you should stick with maintaining your weight and work on toning. That's what I would do in your situation!

    I was thinking how yummy all of that sounded! But as they say, to each his own. Good luck!!!!!

    I think this sounds tasty... but EVERY DAY? Doing it every day might get boring. Some people need that strict routine, but some people it makes them crack. I'd say if you are doing P90x you need a lot more protein in there. I'd add more to your lunch - maybe some chicken in your quesadilla or on your salad etc. Add some protein powder to your milk at least once a day maybe? Don't be shy on the eggs either. Consider greek yogurt or some other high protein yogurt. Or to have a can of tuna for your snack. That's great for protein too. You will really need a lot during phase 1 if you follow the diet plan. And I agree- go with whole oats and not the instant packs.

    Also, note, P90x does NOT set you up to eat at a deficit. If you are eating 1200 cals you will not be able to keep up with it, Maybe not even if you are eating back your exercise cals. You need a lot of fuel to make that program work! You might not drop weight, but you will replace fat with muscle. Don't be afraid to not "diet" during the program. You won't GAIN (any fat, you may gain scale #s because you'll put on muscle), that's for sure, and basically the worst that can happen is you maintain but tone, and the best is you lose and get toned.
  • shastacrystal
    It sounds like a great plan. You may need more calories though. Just try logging it all and see if it evens out!! Good luck!!! Keep us posted!
  • navs52
    navs52 Posts: 40
    I wouldn't lock myself into a diet with the same exact foods and workout every day. For me that would put me on a path to failure. I like to change things up from day to day or week to week. It keeps your body guessing as well which is better for weight loss.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Personally, I think variety is overrated. :wink:

    Looks like a nice menu, though I agree that some additional lean protein might be appropriate. And as others have mentioned, prelogging is a great way to assess the nutrition levels of your current plan and determine ahead of time if you need make changes. You can prelog your estimated workouts as well to determine if the remaining calorie deficit is too great.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have very little variety in my diet too - trying to stick with eating to live vs. living to eat. So I just make sure I have the proper calories and nutrition I need. I think overall it sounds like you'll be low on calories if you're doing something as intense as PX90. Remember, if you don't enough calories your body will not let go of its reserves and you won't lose anything.

    That said, I think you're at a good weight for your height. Honest opinion, I think 123 at 5'6" will make you look scarey skinny. Don't go by numbers. How do you look, how do you feel health wise? Strengthen and tone rather than lose more. I'm the same height and I don't think I would shoot for that low of a body weight. At little healthy meat on the bones is much so much more attractive and feminine.
  • toddgaines
    I pretty much eat the exact same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks everyday too. During the day I am so busy that I need quick easy energy without going crazy on calories, and I have found foods that fit into that routine and get me through the day, and that I actually enjoy. Dinner is where I allow myself to get creative and fill in any dietary gaps I have created. I just started P90X two weeks ago and I can say your body definitely needs fuel to survive it. I lost 60 pounds or so watching calories and doing Insanity, and for cardio you can get away with not eating as much. But for strength training you need food, you need protein. You can't be as worried about "going over your calories", you just need to focus on giving your body what it needs to benefit from and recover from the work outs. So I agree with some of the people that think the calories and protein look a little low given what you are going to be putting your body through.