Going on Vacation HELP!!!!

I'm an 18 year old young woman and I am obsessed with everything healthy, nutritious and well-being. I usually follow a nicely strict diet that is full of fruits, vegetables, protein, and some carbs (all of which are 100% natural and whole-wheat). I must admit I do eat minimal amounts and follow a strong exercise routine. My body fat levels are lower than average and I feel that I have started to turn yellow and pale.

Anyways, that's not the point. I am currently on vacation and have been since the beginning of August. Since I travelled, I decided to take a little break from working out so much, since I walk a lot here. I also try to maintain eating the same way I do. I manage to control myself for a couple of days, but then I suddenly binge, and never stop eating until I am so stuffed I hate myself and feel extremely bad and disgusting. It is the worst feeling in the world and I always fall into the same trap everytime.
This has happened about 5 times throughout this month.. The longest I went between binges was 8 days. Today I binged after 3 days since my last binge.

I feel extra bad because I am not working out like I usually do but eating a lot. Is it ok to
go on vacation? I am terrified of gaining weight. I just want to be assured that I'll be ok and won't lose everything because of a couple of days. I'm going to restart my exercise routine on September 1st. That's when vacation is over.

Is it also true that it's ok to slip up because I'm young? I'm really worried, please help.