Looking for like people for motivation and accountability

I will try to be brief (which is what we say when we will go on and on...)

I am 52, 5'6" and at last weigh in I was 117 but I have not weighed in three weeks or so and I know it's more now.

My husband and I travel a lot. This year, particularly, I think we've been more away than home. We are very busy, having several businesses that we are hands on with and being involved in community organizations.

I had never really had a problem with weight gain. Quite the opposite. Before becoming a vegetarian I was way too skinny and had problems retaining weight. On becoming vegetarian I eventually got to 120 lbs and was happy with that weight and kept it for many years. Then, about three years ago, I started feeling sick. It was a progressive thing so I didn't notice for a while but by late last year I was spending lots of time in bed and my weight had gone up to 140 lbs. Not really overweight for my age and height but I was not happy with it. Finally found out that the solution to my problem was very simple: I was severely vitamin D deficient. Took care of that. Went to a spa for two weeks. Lost weight. Ended up losing a little more than I wanted but then decided that was not a bad thing and was doing real well for quite a while but somewhere along the way loss motivation.

How do you get back on the horse? Obviously, theoretically speaking I know the answer to this query. I know the platitudes and the slogans but how does one actually DO it? I have not climbed on the scale for fear of what it will reveal. Ridiculous when I know that I'm not overweight. Just over what I want for myself. Plus I'm kind of terrified to go back to where I was last year.

I see so many people on here who are so inspiring. Read their stories and try to draw from there and yet...

What do you guys do when you fall off the wagon? How do you resist the little demon that gets on your shoulder and murmurs "You ate a whole large pizza so you might as well give up forever"? Have you been able to sustain a healthy lifestyle for an extended time? How?