
So, I've done MFP before tracking my calories etc, but I've never felt as hungry as what I have been over the past 4 days.

Today I've had the following:

Bananas (2) 242 calories
Cofee (2) 40 calories

Lunch (Philadelphia, lettuce, boiled egg, beetroot, tomatoes, sweetcorn, beetroot and pickled onion) 392 calories

I have 526 calories for the rest of the day and I am STARVING. I'll be having my evening meal at 7pm, and the thought of waiting until then to consume food is depressing me.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm purposely cutting out bread, rice, grains etc as I'm intolerant to them. Is there something else that I can use to bulk up my meals?

Grargh! Sorry for the ranting, feeling frustrated!


  • amgerbin
    amgerbin Posts: 49 Member
    Why not snack on some veggies? Bell peppers, cucumbers, with some hummus?

    I also eat string cheese, those low sodium V8 cans and almonds when hungry.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    So you're consuming 1,200 calories a day. Is this the amount of calories you need to lose 1lb a week? Have you calculated your TDEE and subtracted 20%? If not, you should... the final number might be higher than 1,200 (giving you more room for more food).

    Add in some more lean meats, chicken , beef.
    LOTOPC Posts: 5
    Try eating more protein or fat-based foods earlier in the day. Nuts, oatmeal, avocados. Fill yourself up with dense foods so that you can save more calories for the rest of the day. A warm cup of steel-cut oatmeal at 7AM usually keeps me going until noon.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I second more protein/fat earlier in the day. Eggs make a good option, or have some fat-free greek yogurt with that banana. Carbs are great for giving you an instant energy boost, but proteins and fat help you feel more satisfied.

    Also, why not play around with when you eat your calories? You could try more calories earlier in the day for a few days and see how that feels, or divide up your meals into smaller "snack" portions for a few days.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member