2nd time i loose weight, 1st time i do it right

Hey guys/girls

Iv'e just moved in with my Girlfriend in England (Wakefield, Yorkshire). I am from Denmark my self. We have started to eat right and exercise. She has lost a lot of weight before and know most of all the small tips and tricks, so she is a great help. Iv'e lost about 20 kgs before, but never really paid attention to what i had to eat, i just started to exercise a hole lot every single day.. It worked, and then again not really, because the second i stopped working out, i gain weight again because i never learned to eat right. I've been using this site for around 30 days now and i am really impressed.
I already have a partner in crime, but if anyone is all alone about this, i don't mind a little friendly competition/help/whatever can be useful.

I started out planning to loose 26 kgs, and i still have 22 to go (-_- / :D)
