Never get a "runner's high" when I run......



  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Yeah, going to reiterate the "go outside" recommendation.

    I couldn't make it 30 minutes on a treadmill either. It's agonizingly boring. Even with TV and music.
  • Leesha97
    Leesha97 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't think it's a HIGH like a drug high, it's just a feeling of well-being, a tremendous sense of feeling stronger (like you could keep going all day if you needed to), and a little euphoria. I get them running (except intervals - I never get them with intervals), and I get them on my bike too. The best "high" I get from exercise is running races (5ks, triathalons), because you get the body's response plus the awesome satisfaction of finishing a race.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    You might never because its not what you really like running. I get that runners high but for me its more of a sense of accomplishment that gives it to me. running is hard for me but I admit I really loving it. Im fairly new to running
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    Good tips and glad to get some perspective from other people. I may just have to accept that it's not the thing I love and just do it because of the good it does for my body. I swear though....thirty minutes feels like six hours when I'm doing that. I want to love it, I just don't and that is disappointing. I am, however, always glad when it's over....maybe that is what it will be about for me. I did take a pre-workout a few times before cardio sessions, but, eh, didn't notice a ton of difference. Now, if I could load up on something sugary....that might help. But, why defeat the purpose of doing it then STILL have to do it.

    Thanks for all the input! I'll be attempting to do some hill sprints soon....that might liven things up a little bit. Maybe.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I didn't start getting a runner's high until I started running much faster, and much further. Around the five mile mark of a tempo run is generally my sweet spot. Or after a 10k very fast interval run.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I don't usually feel it (or maybe just don't notice I feel it) during the run. It's usually afterwards... sometimes it doesn't feel like it starts until about a half hour later. I feel like it happens most often after interval running, but I don't know that for sure. certainly not consistent. It feels pretty good, though, and biological in nature, like a mild drug high.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I should add that I generally get the great run feeling when I run at night when it is getting dark. I like to end my runs in the dark, not when it is getting sunny. Because I'm a vampire. Joking. I'm not a big fan of hot weather though so it getting sunny/warmer when I get to the more difficult part of a run is not good. I'd rather get to the tough parts when it is cool and gray/black.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Good tips and glad to get some perspective from other people. I may just have to accept that it's not the thing I love and just do it because of the good it does for my body. I swear though....thirty minutes feels like six hours when I'm doing that. I want to love it, I just don't and that is disappointing. I am, however, always glad when it's over....maybe that is what it will be about for me. I did take a pre-workout a few times before cardio sessions, but, eh, didn't notice a ton of difference. Now, if I could load up on something sugary....that might help. But, why defeat the purpose of doing it then STILL have to do it.

    Thanks for all the input! I'll be attempting to do some hill sprints soon....that might liven things up a little bit. Maybe.

    i think thats a good way to look at it.

    But just so you know, that doesnt mean that there isn't another form of intense cardio that will put a smile on your face.

    for me its jumping rope. It doesn't always thrill me, but more often then not i will hit a point in the work out where i am enjoying myself (note that this is a qualitativly differnt 'enjoyment' then one might get out of, say, watching a good movie).

    should you find such a thing, your still better off incorperating the stuff you don't like along with it.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    You're not alone! I can't stand running on a treadmill or even flat road... I find it really boring and I struggle. So I trail run with hubby (luckily, we live at the foothill of a great mountain and trails) but still, I don't finish an 8k run feeling awesome. I struggle too. Even if I run at a slower pace. I mean, I prefer being outdoors for sure, but I'm not loving running. I do it because it's good for my heart. And I love obstacle racing so I have to keep up the stamina.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I didn't start getting a runner's high until I started running much faster, and much further. Around the five mile mark of a tempo run is generally my sweet spot. Or after a 10k very fast interval run.

    my understanding is that its neurotransmitters intended to dull pain or distract you from it.

    i would think that uping intensity and/or duration should amplify the effect, but still think its subtle enough to go unoticed by many
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    It could still happen. I think running outside might help. I got to a point a few years ago where I would only be running for a few minutes and I would start to feel it. Mostly it's a variable intermittent high. The most addictive kind:)
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    I read recently that the "runner's high", on a scientific basis, will typically only kick in after about 30 minutes of running. That's when the brain starts to release large quantities of dopamine (I believe I have that correct). SO, fo me, that meansz the runner's high doesn't hit until around miles 3 or 4. There are times it never does though. Each individual is, well, an individual. I suspect that you went a further distance, you might experience it. All that being said, I always feel better after the run has stopped than during it!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I only get it when I am about to finish, lol. On my last mile my pace increases, and my last 1/2 mile I am going strong...... fly fly fly!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have never liked running and don't do it very often. When I do it is usually a run/walk thing. I feel good when it is over, but I agree, I don't think it is runners high, its more just being happy it was over and I haven't collapsed. I do generally get the great feeling when lifting weights....during and after the session. I do have some HIIT training that I feel awful during and great when I am finished!
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    I've been a runner for 16 years. The times when I have felt the runners high are times when I'm very fit, very strong and able to go the distance meaning I can run at least 10 mile runs. I'm not always in that condition. Its a feeling like you could run forever, fairly effortlessly and almost like you could be airborne any minute. Yes its awesome. Again the only time I feel this way is when I'm at the top of my running game. Ok this made me want to go for a run. See ya.

    PS A runner's high is NOT what you feel when its over. Hoping you get to experience it for real.
  • Sundogoh
    Sundogoh Posts: 31 Member
    I have been running for 3 years consistently. I have run 4 half-marathons and am currently training for a full marathon (18 mile run tomorrow). I have never ever felt that runner's high.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    A runners high is that second wind you get, that sends you flying over the next hill making you believe that you can go on forever.

    It's not just running that can give you this high, it's any type of cardio. It's a great feeling, sending all those happy endorphins thru your body and brain.

    Longer distances while running can bring it on, or heavy cardio exercises that go longer than 1/2 hour. Since you really don't like running it's hard to imagine that you'll ever feel it.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    you are bored. gotta push yourself to the limit.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    It's not just running that can give you this high, it's any type of cardio. It's a great feeling, sending all those happy endorphins thru your body and brain.
