Activity monitors....opinions please

I have been looking into getting an activity monitor, I have read great things about the Fitbit Flex but I was wondering if anyone can provide input on what it is that you are using, HRM, Fitbit etc....what are the pros and cons? does anyone know of something coming down the line that I should wait for?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've had a HRM for about 4 years to track workouts. Just this past January I picked up Fitbit Zip for the sake of more info on daily calorie burn estimates and motivation to move more and because I like gadgets. :tongue:

    I still use the HRM for workouts, and wear the Zip all day long. HRM is a New Balance N4 with a chest strap that I picked up on eBay for less than half of regular retail (had the Polar F4 on my watchlist too, but the NB came up first so that's what I got). Got the Zip on eBay too, for about $38.

    I chose the Zip over the other Fitbit models because of price and what I wanted it to do, and because it seemed the least likely to be lost. I don't need sleep or stair tracking, so didn't need the higher models, and I read so many stories of the bracelet models coming unclipped and falling off, or the One coming out of it's case and disappearing. The Zip holds very securely to my bra all day, even on my longest runs or most intense HIIT sessions.

    It was eye opening to see how many steps I take (or don't take on a rest day!) each day, and having friends on the list sort of adds a little competition and motivation to see who has the most steps per week. You can cheer (or taunt) each other too.

    Hope that helps! I found it very helpful to read reviews on all the HRMs and various Ftibits both here and on Amazon to get a better idea of what I wanted.
  • scurran203
    I bought the Fitbit Flex in hot pink on Tuesday (it is now Sunday) and I am strongly considering returning it. I wanted to love this so much but it is really frustrating. First of all, it is certainly a motivator to be more active. It's like a little reminder on my wrist to keep moving. However, my "very active minutes" are barely registering. For example, last night I did a 45 minute workout (Slim-in-Six Ramp it Up) which has A LOT of arm movements and my Fitbit showed I had 8 very active minutes. This has been happening all week. Honestly, this is a big issue for me because I bought it to be an activity tracker. So, I am currently looking at other products.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I love my BodyMedia FIT... accurate and works for me.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    Love my Fitbit. It's with me all day and knows exactly how active I've been (and, as I was dismayed to discover, how active I am NOT most days). With computers and TV, it's too easy to forget how much time we spend sitting. We lie to ourselves. This puts it into black and white for you... or in whatever fun color you choose to wear. :smile:
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    It really depends on what you want to measure. The Fitbit is designed to be a pedometer. So, if you are trying to measure intensity other than running or walking then it probably isn't for you. I have several devices I use for different purposes.

    I use a Fitbit flex to measure my steps and my sleep.
    I use a MOTOACTV for training on the bike and runs.
    I use a Garmin forerunner on race day and in the pool.
    I also have a digital lap counter I wear on my finger when I'm in the pool.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I have a fitbit flex and I love it! It motivates me to get off my backside and MOVE.

    My reasons for getting this model:

    Counts steps
    Can be worn in water (water aerobics class)
    Sleep tracker
    Website allows me to log and track my daily blood glucose readings
    Interfaces with MFP
    Many color choices for bands ($8 each on Ebay) including Green Bay Packer green
    Counts all steps whether swinging the arm or not. I get credit when shopping with my hand on the grocery cart.

    What I don't like:

    Sometimes counts false steps like when I was winding some yarn (I estimate that the count is accurate within 5%)
    "Very Active" minutes aren't always accurate. I can walk for 30 minutes and just by the step count it gives me very active but if I enter the walk as a separate exercise at 3 mph it changes it so it isn't very active. I only enter my water aerobics now as a separate exercise.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The Zip is $50 from or $60 from Walmart with a $20 gift card included.

    I've had a few clip-on Fitbits and like them. I don't look at 'active minutes'. They keep changing the algorithm, I don't care about it.

    I had a Flex but returned it and got a One. I didn't like having a plastic bracelet on and it was too big to hide under or among pretty bracelets.