Need some accountability?

Hey everyone!

Wanna burn fat up to 9 times faster?

I'm so excited about this new support group I am holding. You’ll be dancing and kickboxing in your living room but
feeling like you’re at the hottest party! The high-energy music mixes are really amazing.

We will be doing the Turbo Fire fitness program 5 day challenge. Yes, get hot in 5 days!! The accountability of being a part of this online group is amazing - so much support!!

What's included?

5 body-shaping workouts
5 day clean eating meal plan
Online support group

Anyone can do anything for just 5 days right? If you want a little boost before the weekend, or want to shed a few before football season, this is for you! We will start September 15th. Please email me for more info!! I'd love to hear about your fitness journey. :)