Lifting at home

I know there's a lot of topics on this but I am looking for something specific to the equipment I have. My goal is to lose weight/fat. I understand (or believe I do, I could be wrong) that I will be unable to do true heavy lifting at home without a rack, which currently I do not have. I am wondering what I can do with what I have available which is the following:
Dumbbells up to 50lbs
Olympic bar + plates up to 300lbs
I have been doing various dumbbell workouts I have found online.

So what can I do that would be beneficial to my goals?

Thanks in advance.


  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I know there's a lot of topics on this but I am looking for something specific to the equipment I have. My goal is to lose weight/fat. I understand (or believe I do, I could be wrong) that I will be unable to do true heavy lifting at home without a rack, which currently I do not have. I am wondering what I can do with what I have available which is the following:
    Dumbbells up to 50lbs
    Olympic bar + plates up to 300lbs
    I have been doing various dumbbell workouts I have found online.

    So what can I do that would be beneficial to my goals?

    Thanks in advance.

    Goblet squats, split squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, dumbell press, ohp. Pretty much everything can be modified for dumbbells.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Heavy lifting is lifting what is heavy for you. You don't have to just use the barbell.

    I use all dumbbells right now. You can find workouts online but this is what I do:

    Workout A: chest supported rows or one arm bent over rows, bench press, lying tricep extensions, bicep curls, single leg rows, overhead press

    Workout B: squats, Romanian deadlifts, swiss ball jack knife, swiss ball glute bridge/leg curl, plank/side plank/wall plank

    I was alternating workouts (week 1 was ABA, week 2 was BAB) but now I'm doing A on Tuesday/Friday and B on Wednesday/Saturday. You should be able to find videos for all of that stuff on YouTube or other sites.
  • Onederchic
    Onederchic Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks so much y'all :)
  • Paizzaz
    Paizzaz Posts: 33
    I go to the gym but I also have dumbells that I use at home when I can't make it to he gym for whatever reason. No excuses. :). I recommend the JEFIT app. There are lots of workouts you can download and they all have instructions. The one I use pretty often right now is called " Dumbell-Only Full Body Home Workout".
  • Check the bodybuilding. Com website. This website really helped me to feel more confident in with the weights.
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    I am slowly investing in more pieces for my at home lifting workouts, but I find that with a similar menagerie of tools as you have, also without a rack, I tend towards deadlifts, rows, curls, presses. Squats are limiting without a rack for me because I can squat a lot more than I can safely pick up and put on my back- so I end up doing more reps at a lower weight, but still see improvement. I am planning on getting a rack, though, since I recently found out that there are a ton of second hand squat racks available in Hawaii on Craigslist, due to how often people move on and off island. You could probably get a squat rack at a reasonable price second hand. If that's not an option, I have no doubt that you can still get great results. Your approach at looking up workouts is on point. Good luck! :)
  • Onederchic
    Onederchic Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the advice and recommendations. I am also being gifted a squat rack in the next couple weeks which I am excited for :) But until then, I will put the advice I got here to use.
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Heavy lifting is lifting what is heavy for you. You don't have to just use the barbell.

    I use all dumbbells right now. You can find workouts online but this is what I do:

    Workout A: chest supported rows or one arm bent over rows, bench press, lying tricep extensions, bicep curls, single leg rows, overhead press

    Workout B: squats, Romanian deadlifts, swiss ball jack knife, swiss ball glute bridge/leg curl, plank/side plank/wall plank

    I was alternating workouts (week 1 was ABA, week 2 was BAB) but now I'm doing A on Tuesday/Friday and B on Wednesday/Saturday. You should be able to find videos for all of that stuff on YouTube or other sites.

    Awesome suggestions right here!
  • Onederchic
    Onederchic Posts: 128 Member
    My squat rack is being setup for delivery. Now I am wondering if I should attempt SL 5x5 or NROLFW. Any advice/suggestions?
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I've done both and I love 5x5 for its simplicity. I kept having to look at the book and figure things out with NROLFW, whereas with 5x5, I just used the app. It also takes me less time to do which is always a good thing in my household. Both both are great at gaining strength!
  • Onederchic
    Onederchic Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you :) I am still in a deficit as I am trying to lose weight. Will this make a difference in which program I choose?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    My squat rack is being setup for delivery. Now I am wondering if I should attempt SL 5x5 or NROLFW. Any advice/suggestions?

    Depends on what your goals are, personally I found that SL made me lose a lot of bicep muscle/defintion and find isolation exercises work better for me for that. However, barbell squats worked wonders for my legs and glutes!
  • Onederchic
    Onederchic Posts: 128 Member
    My goal at the moment is to lose weight/fat.