High Testosterone, Birth Control, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

Hello all!

So here's some back story to my question...

Over the course of 6 months I gained about 30 lbs. After trying phentermine and losing about 20 lbs, I ended up gaining it all back within 3 months time period. I went to my gyno and was diagnosed with high testosterone levels and PCOS.

She put me on birth control which is supposed to regulate my hormone levels. I am taking Giavin.

My question is this: Can I expect to lose weight now that my hormone levels will be normal?

Also, has anyone else out there experienced about the same thing and if so, what's your story??


  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I know this is an old post...but yep. I had high testosterone while I was off BC for about 1.5 yrs...my hair started thinning and falling out, it was horrible. My weight loss also stalled for months after only losing a third of what I needed to. I'm now back on hormonal BC (Nuvaring), my hair is growing back, and I'm finding it easier to lose weight, as it helps to control the cravings I would usually get during PMS. I was never diagnosed with PCOS, though.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    In the past year I gained 45lbs ( I did break my leg) but when I got better I couldn't lose the weight I actually put more on and I have been feeling fatigued , angry, and emotional for a while. I finally convinced my doc to do a hormone test and I have extremely high testosterone... I have a question i am on spironolactone but haven't lost any weight my boobs are huge now has anyone been able to lose weight with this diagnosis and any good tips how?
  • theWODdoll
    theWODdoll Posts: 90 Member
    Hey girl I have PCOS also. And it is possible, Jillian Michaels, former trainer on The Biggest Loser has it too! And look at her! Gotta eat clean/organic whole foods and exercise regularly. The artificial chemicals in food are fine for most people but with PCOS it messes with our bodies and makes it worse. I'll add you :)