New and hopeful

My name is Anne Marie but everyone has always called me Annie since I was a kid. I will turn 44 this year in October and I am the mother of 3 gorgeous kids. I have yo yo'd in weight for the past 17 years or so. I was always thin until after I hit 30. I dieted took off 50 pounds and was out of plus sizes for the first time in years about 2 years ago. Due to problems with hormones and blood sugar I have gained all that back plus about an extra 10 lbs. I am here to work on my weight, change my diet to suit the blood sugar issues, and make some new friends while I am doing all this. I am more than happy to help others out along the way as well. Please feel free to add me if you like.


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome Annie. You've come to the right place. You mentioned your blood sugar, so I assume you're either pre-diabetic or have diabetes. If that's the case there are many on this board that can share their menus and offer lots of advice. Clearly losing weight makes a significant difference,

    Calories in versus calories out.

    Good luck
  • AnnieS1970
    Not officially diagnosed with it yet, but I am seeing an endocrine in a few days. I have been to a medical weight loss clinic for counseling and have a diet now set up. I am very hopeful and would be very happy to hear tips and advice from others as well.
  • Catz0377
    Catz0377 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Anne Marie

    Welcome :o)

    My name is Catherine and I have just turned 30. No longer do I have the metabolism of an 18 year old and am now trying my hardest to lose the stone and a half I have gained. This may not sound like a huge amount but my biggest concern is that it keeps going up and soon just losing a stone and a half will be a distant dream. Anyway any support you need give me a shout as these things are always better to do with people!
  • mccoll67
    mccoll67 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Annie! I'm new too - I will add you! I have a 4-year old and am working on getting my A1C down - I'll introduce myself in a minute here! Best, Jessica
  • cedarkins
    cedarkins Posts: 27 Member
    I'm always looking for some new buddies! Let's motivate each other and work hard towards our goals!