Just beginning and seems to be a good start

I've not really struggled with weight loss, because I never made a real concerted effort before. But last week I guess it just "snapped" and instead of buying my usual- mostly junk- foods, I decided to do something different. I got some meal replacement shakes (in milk chocolate and they are actually fabulous, not gross like some I have tried), meal replacement bars, some soups (but fewer than I would normally), and a couple small cases of yogurt, fruits, etc.

I decided that was it, I was sick of feeling "heavy" and having my clothes slowly stop fitting me every few months as my weight just kept creeping up. I use a pedometer on my phone, and started walking each night after work, minimum of 1.5 miles. One of the recommended apps was myfitnesspal, so I got that, and started logging my calories. It says I should stay under 1300 calories to lose about 1.5 pounds a week, and it was fun to discover that when I exercised, my pedometer would import my workout, and then my calories adjusted up and I could add in an extra snack.

The first few days were the hardest. Halving everything I would normally eat. Two cans of soup down to one can. Two cans of fruit down to one (I can't eat raw fruit or I vomit for hours and hours, so cans is the way to go). I got a variety of the things I liked, so I could still eat them, just LESS of them.

I restocked a couple days ago and got some more meal bars and shakes, and added in my favorite fiber bar, a fruit bars, four different kinds of fruit cups, and a few other things. If I want to eat something, I have plenty to choose from without blowing my calories for the day. If I want to eat more, I walk a little longer.

Today I splurged on some bacon jerky. I ate the entire package! And I STILL have more than enough calories left for the day that I'm not hungry. In fact, the app has warned me a couple of times that I had to eat more even though I wasn't really craving anything. I am not feeling deprived, I don't feel like I can't eat anything I want, or like I am missing out, because I have a whole mess of healthier options to choose from when I want something.

I had measured my waist, hips, and neck when I first got the app, but estimated my weight because I didn't have a scale. I went with what I was when I last saw a doctor, quite a while ago, which was 210 pounds. One of my favorite pair of cargoes was difficult to pull up and I had to suck in my stomach to button them. They'd feel tighter as the day wore on, but I am broke and can't afford to buy a bunch of new one. Well, yesterday I decided to try them on just my newest pair of pants had suddenly felt a bit looser and I didn't want to keep tugging them all day. I had no difficulty in buttoning the cargoes. I didn't really believe it to be honest, because it's only been a week. But I grabbed my measuring tape anyway, and assuming I didn't totally screw up my measurements, my hips had gone down about 5 inches, waist about 2 inches, and neck 0.5 inches. No way! I've only been walking and staying under my goal, I haven't been starving myself or overexercising.

I got a scale today so I could get an accurate weight. It even does tenths of a pound, bmi, hydration, and fat percentage. I weighed myself and was 202.8. My estimate could definitely have been wrong, but my PANTS don't lie. I could barely pull those up and button them. I wore the same pair again today and they fit just slightly better. Almost perfect, just a tad tighter around my waist than I like, but the fabric didn't feel stuck to my hips and thighs, I could actually feel it move against my skin. It was fabulous!

I want to get down to at least 140. It's a reasonable goal, and I think trying to go down more will just add frustration in the mean time. Once I get closer to this goal, I can refine it.

But I feel great so far, and am amazed that a pair of pants I could barely put on a week ago feel almost perfect. I don't think I really believe 5 inches went away, but maybe some fat redistributed because of walking plus weight loss. I may have been 205 and not 210, who really knows. I just hope I can hold onto the good feelings and not slip up in the coming months.

Today, I even tried a little jogging on my walk. But just a little bit. It'll take time to build up stamina, but eventually I want to jog about half of my walk. Time will tell.


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    First off congrats on your success I applaud you. Secondly, give couch to 5k a shot if you enjoy the jogging its a good program, I just hate running, and there should be a few free apps for you phone that have the whole program.