
dmrahey Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So...I'm usually not one to write people about my problems....or talk about diseases and illnesses...but I feel like I've turned into one of those. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid about 4 months ago (THS 114!)..I'm pretty sure I've always had it, but it wasn't until I suddenly gained 16 pounds in a span of two months with no diet change that I went to see the doc. My life was normal until then...but then I started going to bed at like 6pm and just being useless. I did a low cal diet...stayed weighing the same and got even more tired. I finally got on meds and we're still working on my dose, but i'm considered in the normal range. I feel completely out of wack, have anxiety attacks now...and and I still didn't lose the weight. I was told it would come right off as soon as I started medication. Well, it didn't. So now I'm doing a low carb diet, making sure I don't eat too much calcium, iron, soy, sugar and other foods I'm not supposed to have (cutting out anything good!)....I exercise and started doing yoga...Initially I lost 6.5 pounds ..I was so excited..it was really finally coming off. And then just a few days ago (part of my problem is I weigh myself too much) ...I'm back up 2..5 pounds. I was always between 110-118 at 5'4 and now I'm 132, 136 was my highest. For me I don't feel right. It's not me. It's seems so unfair.

So anyway....I'm not here to bring anyone down...I just have lost all hope and was looking for support or encouragement. My doctor spoke with an endo and they just keep saying "re-test in a few weeks" ..I'm being impatient maybe but losing weight seems impossible...Has anyone had real success with losing weight with this disease? I'm starting to get really depressed. :(


  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you so at least your not alone :smile: I wish I could tell you its only been 4 months for me too but I've been taking meds for this for a year and half and still haven't lost more than 6lbs.... I have friends who have hypothyroidism and they all got on meds and lost all the weight they had put on so quickly. I'm still in the test wait and test again limbo which sucks. I have good days and I have bad days. My endo though is already thinking surgery for me since I'm having so much trouble with mine. I know how hard it can be to deal with. I didn't even know that was what was wrong with me though when I found out about it. I just knew that something wasn't right and I was sleeping all day everyday, I wasn't working but I had a baby to take care of at the time. I probably wasn't having normal function of my thyroid for at least 2 years before I had a doc actually find out what was going on.

    Add me if you want to. We can help support each other thru it all.
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    I've been diagnosed as hypo for close to 10 years now and boy howdy does it SUCK. I've gained and lost weight several times but from my 'ultimate' high in the 190's I'm sitting in the high 140's right now. My lowest weight was 137 and I just got lazy. You can and will be able to get your weight under control but it won't happen nearly as fast as you'd like it to in all likelihood :/

    I don't really know how I did it because somethings worked once and not again and some things just didn't work at all. Be diligent about checking your levels, ask to see your results, and ask to try different brands of medication. Generic levothyroxine does NOT work for me and I've only ever had results on brand name Synthroid. You might want to go on 90 days of a different brand and see if that helps. Not all meds are created equal. There are a ton of dietary things you can try to help.. there's a surprising amount of information out there.

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • Hello dmrahey I don't normally comment on these things but I was doing my profile and looked to the right & saw this thread topic & it caught my eye because I too have hypothyroid. A little bit about my background I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 11 (I am 21 now) it wasn't caught in time & my body destroyed it. So I've been on Synthyroid since then my dose would go up and down for a while, and then stay steady for a while. I get it re-checked every 6months, can anyone lose weight with having hypothyroidism? yep. I currently weigh 118 lbs my highest was 225. Technically I'm not supposed to be this thin but I guess you can say I kinda beat my genetics haha. It just takes good dieting, healthy choices, and exercising. With that said I'm still trying to tone up. But yeah you can lose it :) goodluck.
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