this is the heaviest that I have ever been!! 213lbs

Hello everyone,
The picture on my profile is the picture of me at my heaviest. For some reason before I have started exercising, I started taking hydroxycut weight loss supplements and my appetite curved a bit and I have went down to 208.7. I understand weightloss supplements basically give you a temporary weight loss but people like me need just that to be able to encourage ourselves to lose weight. So now i am at square one, just walking. I am tired but i want to do more. I want to lose the weight, not to be skinny, but to be more healthy because I recently been diagnosed with hypoglycemia (next step to diabetes). My sugars would drop and I will dive in to chocolates or anything that is high in sugar before I crash and pass out. I hope this works for me...i am just too young to go through this. I am a single mom of 3 children, work, school, and home can i balance this out and still eat healthy? i loaded this application on my Google phone so i hope this will help me before i get any bigger.


  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    well you have taken the first and most important step, you are doing something about your weight. You will succeed on the site, make sure you read all the success stories and that will motivate you. Be 100% honest with your food diary and up your exercise.
    I wish you lots of luck on your journey and look forward to seeing your progress pics in the next few months. All the best x
  • sherrywoody1
    Hey Natyshia, I feel your troubles. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia years ago before I became a mother. Walking every day is one of the best things you can do for this and protein is your friend. I have had lots happening lately so I have had to put my exercise on the back burner but I am a firm believer in exercising, lots of water and when I have the back bone, :D, no refined sugars. My weight at one point came close to 200, this was because of a lot of stress that was in my life at that time. Stress is as bad of an enemy to hypoglycemia as sugar is. I lost 45 pounds at one point and that is with a friend to help challenge me. I have been going on a merry go round with my weight lately but I am ready to try again. If you need someone to help you be accountable there are lots of wonderful people on this site, or I would be glad to help. Good luck! We were put on this earth to succeed, :D