Back again.....why do I do it?!

Hi all, Back again after a few months off and have gained what I lost, and more!
Today I am very annoyed and frustrated with myself as I feel so unhealthy and horrible. My back is killing me, I struggled to walk the dog round the block last night, everything I do leaves me out of breath, my asthma has got worse and I am annoyed for letting it get this way.
So back on it today!! If anyone wants to be friends so we can keep eachother going and help eachother through the not so easy times feel free to add me :)
Rach x


  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    Hey! I know how you feel. I lost 44 lbs only to gain it all back and more. But the most important thing is that we are back, and not giving up. The past is now gone, so let's plan to stick with logging. All else will follow. Add me if you want! But I warn you - I'll check in with you to make sure you log in! :) And may even send you an email reminder to keep you honest.

  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need some new friends! I'm in the same boat - gained back all my weight and am starting from scratch again (at my highest weight ever!). Even though I've been pretty active most of my life, I am definitely starting to feel pretty limited in what I can do physically now because of my weight. Time to get it under control!!

    Best of luck to you :)
  • RachP71
    RachP71 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks :)
    That's just what I need. People to keep me encouraged and I will do the same in return. This weight must come off!!!
  • DaniiMarie13
    DaniiMarie13 Posts: 19 Member
    I started here in November last year and lost around 13lb, but gave up just after new years and gained it all back. I felt physically and mentally crap. I started again in May and I've lost 26.5lb so far. It's hard getting back on track after a 'break', but I found it helps to look up recipes that are filling and low calorie, and some that mimic higher calorie foods you love but can't fit into your daily goal. :)