Gaining confusion + are big meals ok?



  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    No, in fact I'm really scared of osteoporosis and that's what's prompting me to gain weight fast. I'm hoping that missing one year of period didn't do too much irreversible damage.

    I don't know if my muscles really atrophied because I did engage in body weight exercises (most were running and HIITs). But I will actually cut back on exercising now in order for my endocrine functions to return... And start doing more weight lifting to strengthen my bones.

    So the message I'm getting is that it doesn't matter too much if I eat large meals or gain too fast? I know gaining too fast = mostly fat gains but I am a woman after all and need my period back ...

    Gaining weight fast however will not really help you. What you want to build is muscle and bone density and that takes time. Putting on heaps of fat will only strain your skeletal system more to hold it all up. Eat at a moderate surplus for your own sake please. Do not look to fix this problem quickly as that attitude is what got you in trouble in the first place no? Nothing good in your body happens overnight please trust me on that. As long as you are putting on half pound to a lb a week you certainly wont be losing bone density or muscle mass. Please for your own sake take a patient approach to your issue. Remember no matter what you eat and do your body will only ever use about 5% of your calories for new tissue growth. So to get maximum new good growth you only really need TDEE + 5%. Anything else is waistline bound.

    And remember to take in plenty of calcium and protein =)
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Taking in too few calories for an extended period of time can cause Amenorrhea (loss of your period). It usually happens to Anorexia patients.

    Your body has to choose whether to give you the ability to reproduce or survive, so your periods stop.

    I really think you should see some type of specialist about your potential eating disorder, and I do wish you well :)