Hi there, am new lol.

xxctxx Posts: 12 Member
Hey, am new to this. I joined the gym on Tuesday and so far I've been enjoying it.

I want to lose body fat and build muscle. I've been trying my best to eat clean.

Any advice, tips, support etc. Would be great, thanks :bigsmile:


  • Hi im new to :) Just started cycling to work and back (Making it 10 miles) 5 days a week! Im wanting to lose fat too :)
  • xxctxx
    xxctxx Posts: 12 Member
    I can't even ride a bicycle! I started using the spinning machines at the gym on level 1 to ease myself in.
  • You will get there in time :) Lots of people struggle to ride bikes :) I just do coz i heard biking and swimming are the best to burn calories! Swimming even more so! So if you can swim try that! :D
  • xxctxx
    xxctxx Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah that's true :3 My boyfriend cycles to and back from work on most days and it seems like a great workout. N yeah I do like swimming sometimes, depends on my mood lol.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    Swimming is a great choice. Takes a bit to move water. :laugh: Also, biking is a goooooood leg workout. Just remember, when it gets tough going up hills and inclines, STAND UP for more power in pedal pushing. Also, you could tie in some sit-ups, squats, lunges, bicycles.
  • xxctxx
    xxctxx Posts: 12 Member
    Stand up?! :noway: I am not at the level yet, haha :laugh:
  • roundy22
    roundy22 Posts: 15 Member
    Heya! You might like looking into a program like jim stoppanis shortcut to shred or something similar. It has you lifting weights and then doing HIIT in between sets. You can modify the amount of time and what exercises you do to fit your needs and abilities.
  • xxctxx
    xxctxx Posts: 12 Member
    Hey thanks roundy22, i'll check that out!