Could I need to ...gulp.. increase my fat intake?

cooki3s Posts: 47
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey awesome people... Im 5'1 and in the past have found it really hard to go below this plateau weight before feeling so deprived that I end up binging on something sweet..
Im wondering, is it better to eat say something with more fat content, regularly, in small portions, say 1 Tbsp peanut butter, or 1 half avocado, (without the sugars). has that helped anyone lose weight faster ??
It sounds funny to say and I know with many people too much oil is also an issue.. I try and exercise every other day with jogging to keep my metabolism going.. Im experimenting now to see what happens..
It sounds like it could make sense. Fat ingested ---> Less fat needed to be stored.?? Lol
Help me out. :noway:


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Dietary fat does not necessarily make you fat unless you are over on calories. It is excess of calories, whether they are carbs, proteins, or fats, that makes a person fat.

    If adding some fat calories makes you stop binging on sugary sweets and keeps you under your calorie goal, then it should be fine in moderation just like everything else.

    Just be sure that you are not eating a lot of fats because they have 9 calories per gram whereas carbs (including sugar) and proteins only have 4 calories per gram.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey hun good fats, like avocado, oily fish, and peanut butter are great for you, they will keep you full for ages, make your hair and skin glow and are full of great omega 3 and 6's. Also people who eat good fats regularly are more likely to carry less fat around their tummies and weigh less overall than the control so.......yes!! :)

    I know it's scary I used to be a fat free skim everything girl BUT at a few months a go I started eating clean so could only eat whole foods, to avoid added chemicals and sugar. I have lost more weight more quickly and noticed the difference in my hair and nails and also noticed I am not starving all the time - so try and incorporate some good fat into at least one meal a day, quarter of an avo, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a chunk of salmon YUM xx
  • cooki3s
    cooki3s Posts: 47
    Thanks guys for your posts.
    Lydia - yes, Im only eating a small amount of these - like 2 tsps peanut butter, or a tsp of butter even without the bread :P
    Fromaquizer - its amazing, I have been losing a little more easily now. :)

    I reckon my body is slowly learning to trust me not to starve it, and its getting used to burning more often on its own accord!

    I really recommend to others to try this, eat small small portions of healthy oils (e.g. p/butter, olive oil, or a little butter) if you are avoiding them completely. Of course, not good to eat oils that are already within processed foods, e.g. potato chips.
    Just the pure oil form or else in a natural food (fish, fruit, nuts).
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