I have struggled with weight all my life, and i finally feel like theres hope with this sight. I NEED to shed 30 pounds in order to feel completley satisfied with myself, but im loosing patience. how long does it take to see changes!? im only eating 1300 calories a day and working out like crazy!!!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    It took me 3 months to lose 30 lbs. Now that I've lost 3/4 of my goal, it has taken me 6 months to drop 10 lbs. The smaller you are, the longer it's going to take. Just keep eating healthy and working out. Remember, this is about changing your life, not "dieting".
  • Drealicious
    Wow thats amazing and so inspiring! I really hope i can do this in 3 months! What was your calorie intake and how ofetn did you excersize?
  • Drealicious
    Wow thats amazing and so inspiring! I really hope i can do this in 3 months! What was your calorie intake and how ofetn did you excersize?
  • vbhoj74
    vbhoj74 Posts: 122 Member
    Dont get discouraged, hang on and you will see results for sure. Just ensure your calorie calculations are right and the 1300 cals is the net calories (min 1200) so that you are not in starvation mode.

    I'm trying to get my last 2 lb off and its taking ages, lost 15 lb in about 4.5 mths.
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    It took me 3 months to lose 30 lbs. Now that I've lost 3/4 of my goal, it has taken me 6 months to drop 10 lbs. The smaller you are, the longer it's going to take. Just keep eating healthy and working out. Remember, this is about changing your life, not "dieting".

    You hit the nail on the head when you said, "Remember, this is about changing your life, not dieting" A lot of us tend to forget that if we lose 40lbs in two months, we can gain that 40lbs back, plus 50lbs more in a total of three months. We got to change the way we eat, and not consider what we are trying to accomplish here as a diet.. Trust me, I've lost plenty of weight this year, but I got side tracked, and gained it all back plus more. So now I'm back on a journey, but this time, I plan on making it a lifetime journey, and not no 2 month "high". So I guess what I am really trying to say here is, it's going to take time, but do it right. Make it a life change!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oh how I remember this point you poor dear. I wanted to yell from the roof tops!!!! What the heck!!?!? WHAT A RIP OFF! I started counting calories and working out. I would loose a pound here a pound slow. I started in November, but due to some medical issues I would say my body didn't really get started until January. In May I finally started getting compliments and noticing a difference in the mirror! By July, it was a TON better. August I hit my goal. September I bypassed it.

    Whatever happens don't give up. Make sure you aren't in starvation mode for one thing....but please, don't give up. If I had, I wouldn't be where I am today. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, I merely want you to get here too hunny!!! And you SO can! :o)
  • apfeiff
    For me, I was where you were at not long ago and I felt like it was setback after setback. I got so fed up with trying SO HARD and not feeling any different. I did the HCG diet and lost 20 lbs (I've been off of it for about 2 weeks). Now I am keeping track of my calorie intake, weight, exercise, etc on here and I plan on making a permanent lifestyle change. That was exactly what I needed to start fresh and head in a positive direction. Now I see that it IS possible for me to lose weight. And I feel great right now, so it motivates me to keep up the good work!
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    I talk about this quite a bit in my posts to the forums. But mindset is one of the biggest factors that's in play when it comes to getting healthy and losing weight. The things we say to ourself and about ourself are very important. Rather than saying, "I NEED to lose 30 pounds in 3 months", how about trying, "I'm so thankful for my healthy body. As I nourish my body with healthy foods, the extra weight is shed easily. This is SO easy!"? I know it sounds silly. I KNOW it sounds silly. Just try it for a week. Tell yourself those things several times a day (hourly)... and follow through by eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water.

    It's goofy sayings like those (along with eating better foods) that have helped me to lose 14 pounds +/- since about Halloween. Just relax, don't get caught up in too many details (all the numbers) and it will happen.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I have lost about 9 pounds and people have been telling me they can see it and i look tiny xD

    just gotta give it some time! It took me about 2 months just to get down to my size now and I was running 25 miles a week and only eating 1200-1700 calories
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    It took me exatly 5 months to lose 30lbs and the first 3 months I only lost a total of 12lbs. It all came off in the 4th & 5th month, so don't lose hope girl! You can totally do this. Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you tracking your sodium? Just a thought but that's what changed it all for me...staying under on my sodium & drinking about 2 liters of water a day is what made ALL the difference. Also, my calorie goal is 1200 & I exercise at the gym and burn 350-500 calories 5 days a week!

    Hope things start looking up soon [and go down on the scale]
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You are perfect today, as you are. You are worthy of total self-satisfaction today. In THIS body. With these 30 extra pounds. Changing the body does not change the mind.

    We're in this forever. Stick with it every day and be patient. Even a year is a short amount of time when forever is the scope.
