That term is used to death on our lovely MFP site!! Can anyone really diagnose starvation mode based on a post?

I think many are quick to throw out the term "starvation mode". While it is real, it more than likely does not apply to the majority of people that it gets thrown at.

Believe it or not many take the info on MFP as gospel, I think people should take care in what they reply.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest!!:bigsmile:


  • nikki91950
    lol somebody must've just throw this at you :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Believe it or not many take the info on MFP as gospel,

    And some people seem to think that their replies are gospel and that they are right and everyone else who disagrees with them is wrong. I get annoyed with certain peeps on here who can't seem to understand that they are not the end all be all of fitness knowledge. :flowerforyou:
  • TheShrinkingGeek
    Hehe- I giggle when I get the "you're starving" note too.
  • SandraMay1982
    I find it hard most days to hit 1200calories. I have NEVER eaten enough. I understand the concept of "starving" my body and then feeding it up on sugar and it hoarding it because it wants it.

    But to be honest. I don't think I can honestly physically EAT ANY MORE on the given day. I ahve noticed I eat over that and some days eat over my exercise calories too.

    But yes.

    What is right for you, is not right for everyone else.

    While I may be in "starvation mode" with my 1000 calories in 3/7 days a week. It depends what you put in your body on the days that you are eating in excess of 1500 calories a day that makes the difference. well. depends what I put in MY body *L*
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    i literally just finished my class on nutrition and yeah there is a few basic rules that are the holy rules of dieting.. never under 1200 calories a day pre-workout. and NEVER 130 g of carbs because thats alone is how much the brain needs for fuel.

    so screw what everyone says or what mfp says UNLESS it has some backing to it.

    same stuff goes with low carb diets... its horrible for you ...
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    lol somebody must've just throw this at you :)

    no I just take the time to read a few posts each day and everyday someone is telling someone they are probably in starvation mode.:bigsmile:
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I hate that term too, but people undereat sometimes. If they don't take in enough calories, the metabolism slows down over time and makes it harder to be healthy and lose fat.

    So when someone says "I lost 5 lbs the first week, 2 lbs the second, and now I can't lose anything", it probably means that they are undereating. If somebody wants to call it starvation mode, then that's their perogative I guess. It's true that people throw it around too much though. If someone eats under 1200 every now and then, they probably aren't in "starvation mode". Hell, my daily goal is usually around 2500, and I at only 700 net calories Monday. Yesterday I ate over 2000. This Sunday I'll probably eat around 3,000.
  • Manda1987
    I fully believe in it because I've experienced it.

    This August/September I went on a 500 cal a day diet. I lost 30 lbs, and felt pretty great about myself. Then I stopped losing weight and went back to eating normally (like 1500 cals a day) and gained 20 back! I killed my metabolism eating like that. Now I weigh 10 lbs more than I did then, but I'm also 6 inches smaller in the waist.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I fully believe in it because I've experienced it.

    This August/September I went on a 500 cal a day diet. I lost 30 lbs, and felt pretty great about myself. Then I stopped losing weight and went back to eating normally (like 1500 cals a day) and gained 20 back! I killed my metabolism eating like that. Now I weigh 10 lbs more than I did then, but I'm also 6 inches smaller in the waist.
    500 calorie diet for 2 months? Unfortunately most will gain the weight back! I think they actually call the number a vlcd and some call it the starvation diet. Sorry u had to experience that.

    Although I believe hcg dieters eat that much but only 40 days @ a time or something like that.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    Amen, Reneeot! The term is often thrown out without the responder reading the background of the person they're directing it toward. There are quite a few surgical weight loss patients on this site whose diets are totally different from the norm. I am one of them. I follow my surgeons instructions to the "T"...along with my nutritionist and personal trainer. That means 400-600 cals a day of mostly protein and never over 800 calories. It's weird I know but it works for me and was put in place due to DIO or "Thrifty Metabolism Syndrome".

    Every body is different and needs different requirements. What works for one may not work for another.