New Rules for Women but not a beginner

arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
Hi all,

I started reading NROLW yesterday and love it. I'd like to start the program but I have two questions/problems.

1. I'm not a complete newbie. Starting squats at 2 sets and 15 reps doesn't make sense to me as I'm doing 3 sets of 12 now. How should I go about modifying this/should I even modify (Schuler really doesn't suggest it). Perhaps I should just add weight, and start the program a little heavier than a true beginner would?

2. Calorie deficit. Yes I've been lifting with a pretty large calorie deficit. Yes, I understand (now) that I can't build muscle this way. BUT, I also don't want to add 500 calories in one go either. Is gradually upping my calories by 100 or so/week a good idea?
2a. Have you had experience with this? How has not seeing the scale change/even gaining weight felt for you? I still have quite a bit of fat to lose.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the sets doesn't make it more advanced or not.

    If you are happy with the program- run the program, as it suggests. It's designed to be light to start- so if you feel that 95 is an adequate starting place instead of the bar alone- then start there.

    What are you working weights now? I'm honestly not familiar enough with the program to know how it jumps up- but I would probably start with 95/115 myself just to see how it goes- I have no issues dropping back low if the expect weight towards the end of the training cycle is much higher- it's better to be a little easy on yourself with a lighter weight than be too cocky and get screwed out of training at the end be/c the weigh is just to much.

    Secondly - you're fine adding in 100 or so calories- actually if you are doing okay on your deficit now- and you aren't interested in muscle size- you can stay at a deficit- you can still get stronger (to a point). LIfting on a deficit in and of itself is fine- it just depends on what your goals are.

    2a.) yes- lots of people struggle wiht it- sounds like you need to keep up the deficit- I'm hovering at 160 now- and I"m fighting the good fight to push downward- I may be readjusting calories AGAIN for the 3rd time if I don't lose more this coming week or two (I've been holding stead where I am for at least 2 weeks) I like to wait 3-4 weeks before adjusting to make sure I"m not jumping the gun.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Thanks for your response! I recently had to start my account fresh so I've been here awhile and have read a lot of your responses to others. Love your progress.

    So, when I'm doing higher reps (12) my squats are at 85, including the weight of the bar bell. When I was starting I was doing 4 sets of 7 reps, and ending up quite a bit higher on that last set.

    Interesting to hear what you had to say about the deficit. I can't quite figure out my goal because apparently "toning" is not a thing. And yes, I want muscle and yes I want to lose fat!

    It seems like every time I think my workouts and food goals are organized, I read something new and my mind is blown and I'm back to a state of confusion!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    It seems like every time I think my workouts and food goals are organized, I read something new and my mind is blown and I'm back to a state of confusion!

    just go with what works for you. keep your goals in mind but just remember that at a calorie deficit you will lose the fat, but you are eventually going to get to a point where you have to rob peter to pay paul so to speak in terms of gaining strength and building muscle.