Back like I Never, Ever Left

Hi Everyone!

I had a profile (tootattotrot) but forgot all my login info. :grumble:

I started at 250, lost 60 pounds last year, life got in the way and I didn't make a realistic lifestyle change so I'm back, hoping to lose my last 60 by next June/July.

A little about me:

I am insulin resistant so I believed low carb was the way to go. Well, I also have Graves Disease which is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid, so no more low carb. I could not handle the shakes, throwing up, stomach clenching cramps, etc.

Then, I started to get depressed because I was sick (I got diagnosed at 17, this disease usually doesnt affect women until after menopause, I have a long way to go, im 20 now.) and I couldnt do everything I used to without my heart beating outside of my chest (my resting before disease was 60 bpm, my resting after disease was 170 bpm, it was 120 bpm in July and after one month of screwing my head on straight, its 90 bpm without a beta blocker and 70 bpm with one. Im working on it.)

The gym used to be my favorite place, and it was like one day I woke up and couldn't run half a mile without sweating so bad and feeling so tired.

So now that's out of the way, I transferred back home for my senior year of college (regardless, i still bleed Scarlet and Gray). It was one of the hardest decisions I have made so far. But I have 3 semesters left, and since im making progress with my thyroid, I decided to take baby steps with exercise to see if I can love it again.

For 2 weeks I have been eating well, then I remembered I could always come back to MFP (joined in 2011, didnt really use it until 2013). Well here I am,

I eat 1600 calories a day, I am starting the 30 day shred on September 1st, and will only be doing it 3 days a week plus whatever plank challenge i have for the day. On the other 3 days a week, I will be running 2 or 3 miles + Ab ripper X (from the P90X series) + whatever plank challenge I have for the day. Ill choose a rest day each week (whenever I genuinely cant get up and workout).

I know people complete the shred in 30 days but again, baby steps.

On running days ill eat 1700
On 30 day shred days ill be eating 1650

My base was 1400 and I lost 2 pounds last week.

I have a polar FT7, im just waiting on the new battery and new chest strap to come in so I can accuarately track my calories. I figured 100 calories per mile, 100 calories for Ab Ripper X plus planking, and (because I did the shred before at a similar weight) 250 calories for Level 1 of the 30 day shred.

Add me everyone, I need motivation.:drinker: :bigsmile:


  • ThomasGinter
    ThomasGinter Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome back! It sounds like you have a great plan in place.

    Low carb is a great way to go for someone who has insulin problems or a sensitivity to sugar. Just remember that low carb does not mean no vegetables but really it means mostly vegetables, nuts, and fruits.
  • adriannenars
    adriannenars Posts: 3 Member
    I also just fot back :) welcome!