Wednesday is the moment of truth....

tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
As i followed a low carb diet with my wife....i lost around 7 kg's in 5 exercises were my 2 sons (3 & 5) on a school holiday, so swimming running walking climbing you name it.
But now i'm back offshore (i work on a boat) where the catering is just excellent, so i didnt realy keep track of the carb diet (still kept track of carb intake but not so strict as at home)
My workouts schedule is 4 day a week (2 days workout 1 day rest) Cardio & strength training, which is surprisingly held up pretty 4 week skipped one day......
Now after 4 weeks of working, eating and excising, i go home next Wednesday and the moment of truth is there.... did i gain or did i not gain........????

i most honestly say that i can see changes in my body.....muscle tone is showing more and more.... GREAT SUCCESS!!!!!
i was 103.4 kg when i left on the 4th of august.......

but the scale will tell the truth.....