weight loss on my lower inner thigh?

Im trying to figure out some good exercises to do for my inner knee/thigh, i exercise regularly but it seems i cant tone that area very easily, any suggestions???


  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Sumo squats.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    You cannot reduce a specific area, nor increase its appearance of "tone" via exercise. General idea here, eat at a deficit, make sure you ingest sufficient protein, lift heavy objects, and be patient while your body decides where it wants to reduce its fat reserves. Others may likely provide links to good, solid threads. They aren't being lazy, this question arises daily. You are new here, so if someone provides a link to another thread, there is a really strong possibility that it will be worth your time to read it. Good luck to you.
  • RachelStidd
    RachelStidd Posts: 1,102
    thanks! ill give them a try
  • RachelStidd
    RachelStidd Posts: 1,102
    thanks! i appreciate the advice!:smile: