10lbs in 1 month



  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    How tall are you, OP?

    My question, too, since you said you weigh 140 and want to lose 10 lbs. 140 isn't that heavy unless you are very short, so wanting to lose by trying such extreme methods (detoxes, juice fasts) raises some questions.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    They might be calling your "juice diet" a fad because it's quick fix but the question that is not being addressed is " How did I gain 10 lbs in a month" I think people are trying to help you with their post. If you don't figure it out, the issue may continue.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Wan't to lose weight at a steady pace? Eat at a moderate caloric deficit.

    Want to lose weight fast? Combine the above with a shed load of walking slow cardio and strength training. You will drop lbs fast and most of it will be fat. Just don't do huge amounts of high intensity crap as that will burn muscle.

    Your body loses weight in a much more healthy way if you create the bulk of your deficit through exercise. And you will get fit as anything in the process.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    These forums are packed with people who lose weight and the common themes come up repeatedly.

    Calorie deficit make sure you have one by accurately recording what you eat and adjusting accordingly. Get scales.

    You said it drives you mad but MFP makes it really easy to record the details and you cna copy prebious entries if you are eating the same thing.

    Eat a safe amount of calories so you dont push your body into starvation mode.

    Eat cleaner and less processed food so that you can provide yourself with good quality nutrition and avoid feeling hungry.

    Supplement the diet with exercise so it gives you some flexxibility to eat back plus you can get the health benefits.

    Slow steady and determined to lose a reasonable amount of weight each week is going to help you far more than fads. Its about changing lifestyle as much as it is about the immediate diet.

    Dont panic and use the forums to get good advice.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Re-read post.. no use adding anything more.. Ignore
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not trying to lose 10lbs I gained 10 lbs in one month this is my problem. The juice diet is not extreme, it was kind of a transition to my old bad eating habits to my new lifestyle: the paleo diet. It was also helpful for my elimination diet because it was easier not to eat the food I was not allowed to eat. You might have a bad opinion about the juice diet but I was feeling very energetic, I was feeling good and I was losing weight but this was not the only purpose of that diet. Thanks for your answers