I lost my fit bit, it fell off my pocket!

rh091 Posts: 100 Member
I've heard people have been able to get their fit bits replaced. What's the process and what do you tell them? I clip mine inside of my pocket and it fell off today while I was on my way to work.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh that stinks! I'm sorry! What kind was it? Any chance of backtracking and finding it? There is an app out there that you can buy that helps you find it if you get close, but I'm not sure if would help in this case - my friend used it to find his, but it was inside his house.

    But I have also heard of Fitbit being really good about replacements - I'd go to their website through your dashboard on the computer and find the Contact Us info/link and go from there.

    Good luck!
  • rh091
    rh091 Posts: 100 Member
    It's a fit bit one. I think it fell of on the bus so I'm going to call the lost and found but really have no idea where it dropped :(