Failing, Falling & Crying



  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    You think its too late? It isn't and I hope you find the strength to realize it isn't and that you have more power that you think you do. If I was you and if I would follow the golden rule and if I love myself that much I am going to tell it to you like I would to myself…If I were you I would take the capris back and keep wearing the tight close till your sick of it and actually do something about it…
    ….dont cross that line you can turn this around and undo the mistakes. I refuse and have always refused to buy bigger jeans for fat days-it could have happened and i didn't go there and stronger for it now. :) Don't dwell on the situation-you have def. over-thought this whole situation of thinking your not going to get any smaller-just any more-but you can…..i wish i could be your little sidekick and just tug you to the right direction at least encourage you to keep at the mindset that got you into working out in the first place. Ask yourself those questions and re answer yourself even though you know… i have to do this with myself and I feel I sound silly but I know its not.
    I hope you do return those fat pants :) they ARE fat pants-you aren't fat and don't cross that line. You don't have to decide now…but please wait a little before you negatively affect your life..this is a huge ordeal your about to do (no pun intended) but things, actually, may get a lot worse then you think they will.
    You could think it will be a few extra and no more and I hope not but I think you will keep upsizing those pants and when you realize what you have created this monster and try to damage control you have nothing but flabby skin.
    Realize who you may become and ask if it is really where you will be comfortable, happy, confident, healthy and strong…
    Don't focus on the numbers of the scale (why my ticker hasn't moved) I may actually get rid of my ticker. I had gained weight but my clothes fit the same so i have more strength and actually feel stronger too from the muscles that i have now. but if you saw my weight on paper you'd think it were a typo so-maybe you need a vaca from the scale and focus on being healthy and do feed yourself but don't pig out every day-thats a no-no. You can do this. Maybe you need to refocus a little more and just figure out why your heart and soul was put into your routine in the first place and just dwell on that instead… turn those thoughts into a poster you can make and put pictures and decorate it how you like to remind yourself :)