Weak upper body strength: how to build it up

Anybody ha this issue and been able to build it up?
I am happy with squat weight which is 60kgs for reps, deads 70+ for reps, happy with those and benching only 30kgs for 2 reps.. I have to reduce it to 25khs for 5reps(struggling with d last rep though). I just can't understand how thus can be? I know women got weaker upper body strength butine is weigh too low. Over head press too about 28 kgs for 7reps. Can anyone give me tips to overcome this or build my upper body strength ?


  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    I find my current max on a lift then train with 75% of it. Increase by 5lbs a week. You want to target 60-100 reps of a lift a week to see the best improvements, and make sure you're eating plenty of protein.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I bench 60 lbs and I thought I was doing ok :embarassed:

    If you want strenght why not try a strenght program like 5x5? For what I have read it is the best way to increase strenght for coumpound exercises such as bench press.

    Good luck
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    To increase your bench you need to add in accessory exercises. Working your shoulders and triceps.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If you want to improve your bench, then hit the bench. If you're doing a full body workout several days a week, try moving your bench to the front of that workout at least one day/week and go lighter on later lifts if you need to. If you're doing a split, consider a second chest day each week either by itself or with some other work. Or it may be fine and you just need to keep on keeping on. How much you're moving doesn't matter so much as whether it's heavy for you and whether you're making progress over time. Has your bench been improving each week? What's your routine look like?