Muscle cramps

pursuinghappiness Posts: 39
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi peeps.

Most people get charlie horse cramps in their calves, but I get them in my abdominal area TOO often. I'm pretty sure I get enough potassium and other vitamin/minerals, so I don't know why I keep getting them. I can't bend over too long or it cramps up. Any suggestions on why it's happening and how I can stop them? Also, does anyone else get them in the abs?? The WORST was when I was driving one time, it started to cramp. I almost pulled over because it was hurting so bad. Usually I have to contort my body to get the cramping to stop.

Anyway...I just had one about 5 min. ago and decided to post about it!!


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    That's pretty interesting...and it can happen to pretty much any muscle. I get most of them in my calves, but have had my hamstring cramp up really bad one time...must have been running in a dream or something, because I was asleep when it started. Ended up falling out of bed in pain. Worst place I've gotten tongue. Yes...I got a charlie horse in my tongue (the part in the lower back of the mouth, near the jaw). Those are horrible to endure.

    As for your stomach, do you get them more during exercise? Have you tried any stretching to alleviate them? What is your water and salt intake like?
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Personally, if it is that out of the ordinary, I would go and get it checked out. It can't hurt, and better to know for sure what is up.

    Just my 2cents!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I got this from

    There are hundreds of abdominal spasms causes. It occurs basically due to the sudden involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles, leading to mild or severe pain in the abdomen. It can be short term or long term pain, depending upon the reason behind the abdominal muscle spasms. The simple reason behind this involuntary muscle contraction is strained or stretched muscle. But many times, there can be an underlying disease or disorder of the organs located in the abdominal cavity like stomach, liver, gall bladder, small or large intestine, pancreas and appendix which are parts of digestive system. Upper abdominal spasm will be related to the disorder in any of the organs located in the upper abdominal cavity, while lower abdominal pain and cramps will be generally due to the digestive system disorders noticed in organs from lower abdominal cavity.
  • Thanks guys and gals.

    I thought about getting it checked out, but haven't. I just assumed it was like a charlie horse in the calf.

    The tongue!! Now that is a new one for me!

    Never heard of I'll have to check that out.

    I guess I could do more stretching, but I do yoga, so I assumed that would be enough. Regarding the organs. I can at least mark TWO off of that list :huh: I don't have a gall bladder or appendix.

    I actually rarely get them when I exercise. It's when I'm bending over or if I'm sitting and I flex the muscles (not on purpose..or sometimes on purpose).

    I drink a lot of water and I'm not sure on my salt intake. I would like to think it's enough. I rarely add salt to anything. I just eat whatever sodium is in the food.

    Thanks, again :smile:
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I guess I could do more stretching, but I do yoga, so I assumed that would be enough. Regarding the organs. I can at least mark TWO off of that list :huh: I don't have a gall bladder or appendix.

    Did you have these cramps starting before, or after, you had the surgeries to remove your gall blader and appendix?
  • That is a good question. I think it was after. It's only been recently...I'd say....3 or 4 years. I also had an ectopic pregnancy 5 years ago (tubal pregnancy) and a fallopian tube was removed. Again, the muscle cramps started after that.
  • I get muscle cramps everywhere! It is frustrating. I found out that I am really magnesium deficient as part of a syndrome I have, which is the culprit of my cramps. I found that magnesium phosphate will help really quickly (just put a couple tablets under your tongue and they dissolve for quick relief) and also just plain old magnesium (I buy big bottles of it at Costco). Sometimes extra calcium helps and I'll switch between both.

    I also have to stretch a ton, but I still cramp up especially after a good workout. Maybe the reverse bridge, bow, or side stretch would help. Good luck!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    That is a good question. I think it was after. It's only been recently...I'd say....3 or 4 years. I also had an ectopic pregnancy 5 years ago (tubal pregnancy) and a fallopian tube was removed. Again, the muscle cramps started after that.

    Next time you go in to the doctor, I'd ask about if that may be the cause. It may be nerve damage from the surgery or something else. Wouldn't hurt to have it checked out. They might have a better idea or solution for you.

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