family and losing weight

colekay Posts: 34
edited September 22 in Success Stories
first of all i just want to say how much i love this site, if it wasn't for mfp the 40lbs would have never came off, but the problem i'm having is that my family is giving a hard time with it......i can't even go over and have dinner with them because they are always on my case about how little i put on my plate and telling me that i'm making them feel like they can't eat cause i'm judging them. which i'm NOT!!! i can;t even talked to them about my weight lose or they are jumping down my throat,.....kind of sad because i thought they would be the first ones to support me....just wondering if anyone else out there is having issues like mine....okay.....i feel better i vented :)


  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Don't let their guilt bring you down. You are doing the right thing and the healthy thing and they're either jealous or feel bad about them selves they can't do it too.
    We all want our families to be supportive, but in the end, family, friends and spouses are not what this is about. It's about YOU.

    You have all the family and support you need right here.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    They are jealous and when they see you getting healtier it reminds them that they are not! It's their problem - not yours. Just continue doing what you are doing. When they get to you say something like "I would hope my family would support my quest to live a healthy life". and leave it at that. Do not let their comments get to you because you are RIGHT - they are WRONG!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    keep doing what has gotten you this far. they may feel guilty because you are making sacrifices that are working and they arent and because they arent ready to change they will try to get you to stop. misery loves company and especially family is that way.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    your family will do it to you faster, then your friends, weight loss, etc..

    sorry, they really need help, they should be proud of you. I hope you stand up to em, dont back off, be proud of your accomplishments.....

    you worked hard to be where you are, dont let em drag you down............Lloyd
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    Fesse is right- they're probably just jealous that you're showing restraint and they don't feel they can do it to, or they're just feeling bad about themselves- guilty for eating food when you're not. I know how it can feels when people around me are eating healthy and I go ahead and splurge, and it's probably the same for them- all it takes is one person to make the healthy choices and it makes them feel bad about indulging. It's also hard b/c helpful advice or even just talking about the changes you're making can make them feel judged- like if you mention how nuts are a good snack, some people will snap at you like you were saying "Fatty, put down the cookie and eat some nuts instead!"

    Do you have the kind of self restraint where you could put more on your plate and then just not eat it? They might get off your case if you take more food, but you don't have to eat everything you take, necessarily. You can always take the leftovers home with you!
  • First, congratulations on the weight loss. Way to go!

    Second, it's not that you are putting little on your plate. It's that they are putting too much on theirs. So if they are taking it out on you, it's because they are probably projecting their insecurities on you.

    To quote the great Albus Dumbledore:

    t takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies; but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. (.. in your case, family)

    If you can't get the support from them then seek it here. 24/7.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you know what UP THEIRS! It took my sister almost a year to lose 10lbs and everyone was congratulating her, it's like she was the healthy eating took me 3 months to lose 20 and I get nothing but feels good to show my sister she's dumb, because she beratted me when i told her that i buy my son granola bars for his lunch, she only shops on the outside of the grocery store, i have 3 binders full of weight loss crap she gave me that MFP gives me in an app on my phone...blah blah blah...well she's still fat! flat out tell them that this is your choice and to kindly love it or lump it...if you are anything like me and feel the need to have your parents say "i'm proud of you" then it's just going to be heart ache...but i'm still learning that lesson.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hi you and the other's who have lost weight are such an inspiration to me. I started on MFP Nov. 1 and I've lost 12 pounds! I've had an easier time losing this 12 pounds than I've ever had before. It's because of the encouragement and good advise I have received since starting MFP. Thank-you all. Families are so hard to understand sometimes. I remember telling my mom I had lost some weight and when she saw me next she said. Whew, I thought you were going to make your sister sad because of how much weight you'd lost. Wow what a slap in the face. Ya can't pick your folks! Just do what you know is right for your family and you!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    People are frequently jealous of the success of others. My sister takes my size as a personal attack because my success shines a spotlight on her weight struggles.

    Now, this is all in her head, but that doesn't matter. It's real to her.

    When someone tells you 'I know what you're thinking', what they're REALLY saying is 'here is what I AM thinking'. Your family thinks that thin people are better than people who struggle with weight. That is what they're telling you.

    I want to say 'let it roll off your back', but I know that is SO HARD when you're being personally attacked. Just know that what they're REALLY doing is showing you how they feel about themselves.

    I know that I feel sad for my sister and how much she hates herself. It's easier for her to hate me and my success than it is for her to admit that her TRUE unhappiness is with herself.

    Know that we're all here for you. WE will support you.

  • thanks guys, made me feel so much better....actually some of your comments put a huge smile on my face :) especially the quote of dumbledore.....i'm a big harry potter fan :smile: it's always just really hard with family, and i've worked my BUTT off to lose this weight, so i'm not going to let them make me feel like i should be eating what they's so bad that when we are all out (sisters, mom) and they are trying to decide where to eat, they make huge smart *&@ remarks on how they can't really go anywhere because they got me in the car!! okay well i can go all day about this so i need to stop :) thanks again everyone, you guys me so much to me......
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    They might come around to it (my parents did, so did SOME of my work collegues, i put the rest down as being pure jealous)

    Say you dont want to eat over a certain amount of stuff, or say you rather enjoy your food and savour it, you cant taste food if you keep shoving it down your throat (if you chew quite a bit, you will actually make better choices, as alot of processed stuff and fatty stuff tastes disguisting after even just 3-5 chews! although people dont get why i would rather eat fruit than cream buns, to me the fruit tastes nicer!)

    Its them taking their insecurities out on you, dont let it deter you, or cause guilt, use it as motivation to do it longer, harder, better and keep it up, some people just want to see others fall.
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    I know with my family it is the same. When I am not trying to lose weight, my mother is on my case. When I am losing weight with success, she tells me I am doing it wrong. I told her, my father and my sisters that I did not have time for high blood pressure and diabetes. They told me it was heretity and there was nothing I could do about it. It seems that nothing is right or good enough for them....
  • I agree with Ctheslayer and Superwmm.

    Also, congratulations on taking it upon yourself to change and be the best healthy and happy individual you can be! It's so sad to think that the people who are suppose to be there for you through the hard times and the good times can't seem to come through for supporting you during a 'good' lifestyle change.

    I can understand this. It use to anger me because I didn't understand why they wouldn't be as happy as possible for me.

    Jealousy is a vicious foe. They want to know where you get off developing this love for yourself that allows you to want to make changes because they lack it. The attention you are getting is definitely putting a light on how things are in the family tradition. You are not eating the way you use to and it seems like what they have to offer is not good enough for the 'new' you anymore. When you start to shine a light on how food and family are connected to food and overweight/obesity, it is not a pretty light and makes everyone turn inward and start hating. It's all very deep and psychological, but the one thing that is important is that you have decided to break the mold. Don't ever be ashamed of that! You can only live for you and you have to do the good things that make you happy as a whole one in your family can live your life.

    DO NOT COMPROMISE. Don't put more food on your plate to please or ease tension. Stand up for what you know is true to you and your health. They will keep trying to knock you down, but as long as you keep standing your ground....each time a little break is made and it might be the break that helps someone else in your family decide that they are worth making changes and getting healthy. Keep standing your ground and after enough times of realizing that you're not going to cave then it'll start to ease a little.

    You have ALL of your MFP family here to give you support! Come lean on us and vent whatever with us and we'll help support, love and encourage each other like we should! :)
  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 201 Member
    I think I hear jealousy in there! :ohwell:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Good for you losing the weight! Family issues are so strong and I know you have a tough time dealing with their negative comments. Hopefully you can be prepared when they finally get on the bandwagon and then tell YOU how to lose weight! :smooched:
  • This is mom......cole's sister is not overweight. She just commented that cole looks at her plate when she eats at my house and compares the two. Her sister is lucky that she never had a weight problem and eats like a horse. No one is being negative about the amount of food cole eats. Its all in her head LOL.
  • when my brother in law started losing weight his mother would tell him he was way too skinny. he was still around 270. i think as a country we've forgotten what healthy looks like since the majority of the country is overweight. thats what i told my husband when he told me my weight loss goal was extreme. my first goal is to get to 166, thats 65 pounds, but it's actually still in the overweight category. like i said, people forget what healthy looks like and they mistake healthy for malnurished or something. be proud of what you have accomplished and take their negative comments as compliments.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    This is mom......cole's sister is not overweight. She just commented that cole looks at her plate when she eats at my house and compares the two. Her sister is lucky that she never had a weight problem and eats like a horse. No one is being negative about the amount of food cole eats. Its all in her head LOL.

    Are you really her mom? I hope not, because you just proved all her points...
  • This is mom......cole's sister is not overweight. She just commented that cole looks at her plate when she eats at my house and compares the two. Her sister is lucky that she never had a weight problem and eats like a horse. No one is being negative about the amount of food cole eats. Its all in her head LOL.

    Are you really her mom? I hope not, because you just proved all her points...
  • Yes I am. and how is that??
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