What's the best way to gain muscles?

ElizabethSami Posts: 67
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Not sure how many of you say my post in the intro but i said that i just had a baby about 2 month ago(now) and wanted to get back in shape, my problem is that my body is a bit moochy and not that firm/toned. What should i do to make them frimer/toner esp on my stomach/butt and legs? and is access skin going to be a problem even though i weight 195?



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    From your previous post it says that you don't plan to join a gym. I would recommend home workout DVD's. You can start with something from Bob Harper or Jillian Michaels. 30 Day Shred would be a good start. You can do Chalean Extreme or Power 90. All of these DVD's require light weights to start off with.
  • If you have a gym membership then you can lift weights there, but if you do not then you can do bodyweight exercises at home. Including weight training in your exercise routine is real beneficial. For your skin not to be saggy after weight loss you will need to still have elasticity in your skin. It partially is determined by your age, and also by how much weight you have to lose. For instance if someone lost 200lbs then they would have more lose skin then someone who lost 50lbs.
  • If you have a gym membership then you can lift weights there, but if you do not then you can do bodyweight exercises at home. Including weight training in your exercise routine is real beneficial. For your skin not to be saggy after weight loss you will need to still have elasticity in your skin. It partially is determined by your age, and also by how much weight you have to lose. For instance if someone lost 200lbs then they would have more lose skin then someone who lost 50lbs.
    I have 2 five pound weights that i use. I will be turning 25 in April and would like to lose about 58 pounds by then. Going to the gym will be a big hassel for me(having 5 kids) so thats why i bought the Kinect to help me get to my goals.

    Thanks very much for responding, and to you too edorice.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Protein! Protein! Protein! .... I would suggest a protein shake a day or two.. along with your strength training workout... Working the Legs burns a lot of calories and works on the muscles as well.
  • Slinks33
    Slinks33 Posts: 13 Member
    Supplement with L-glutamine powder...you can get it online or at GNC or most nutritional stores. It is costly but a great investment. Not a big one for bulking so much but the other benefits are AMAZING! See below!

    L-Glutamine is a versatile Amino Acid for Mental Activity, Muscle and Immune Support.

    L-Glutamine is a part of almost every protein source. This single amino acid accounts for approximately 60% of all free amino acids in the body.

    L-Glutamine has been called the "conditionally essential" amino acid. Glutamine is normally made by the body from a properly balance diet, however under conditions of physical stress additional L-Glutamine may be needed. L-Glutamine is the primary source of energy for the muscle and immune systems, and is a component of the important antioxidant glutathione. L-Glutamine assists in maintaining the proper acid/alkaline balance in the body, and is the basis of the building blocks for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. No other nutrient is as important as glutamine for gastrointestinal health. Unlike other amino acids that have a single nitrogen atom, glutamine has two nitrogen atoms that enable the transfer of nitrogen and removal of ammonia from body tissue, regulating blood pH and protecting the kidneys. The body often cannot synthesize enough glutamine to heal wounds, preserve lean tissue and nourish the immune system following surgery or physical stress. Providing supplemental glutamine helps avoid these complications, normalizes amino acid levels, speeds healing and improves overall surgical recovery.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Try kettlebell work can be done at home with relatively low expense.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    If you have a gym membership then you can lift weights there, but if you do not then you can do bodyweight exercises at home. Including weight training in your exercise routine is real beneficial. For your skin not to be saggy after weight loss you will need to still have elasticity in your skin. It partially is determined by your age, and also by how much weight you have to lose. For instance if someone lost 200lbs then they would have more lose skin then someone who lost 50lbs.
    I have 2 five pound weights that i use. I will be turning 25 in April and would like to lose about 58 pounds by then. Going to the gym will be a big hassel for me(having 5 kids) so thats why i bought the Kinect to help me get to my goals.

    Thanks very much for responding, and to you too edorice.

    Going to the gym is the best option. I go to retro fitness and they take care of children. I believe it is rather cheap too.
  • If you have a gym membership then you can lift weights there, but if you do not then you can do bodyweight exercises at home. Including weight training in your exercise routine is real beneficial. For your skin not to be saggy after weight loss you will need to still have elasticity in your skin. It partially is determined by your age, and also by how much weight you have to lose. For instance if someone lost 200lbs then they would have more lose skin then someone who lost 50lbs.
    I have 2 five pound weights that i use. I will be turning 25 in April and would like to lose about 58 pounds by then. Going to the gym will be a big hassel for me(having 5 kids) so thats why i bought the Kinect to help me get to my goals.

    Thanks very much for responding, and to you too edorice.

    Going to the gym is the best option. I go to retro fitness and they take care of children. I believe it is rather cheap too.

    Yes Rush Fitness keeps children as early as 6 months old. But if the gym is out of the question then start with bodyweight exercises then add in the dumbbells. And make sure to get your protein as mentioned earlier If you need help finding bodyweight exercises to do you can go to


    and see all kinds of bodyweight exercises.
  • I mistakingly thought I was in decent shape before finally joining a gym. I found the classes there led by awesome instructors push me a lot harder than I would ever push myself. And now I have enough friendships developed that if i miss a class I have 6-10 people checking to see if I'm ok (accountability). Child care is included in membership fee at our local YMCA. So my obvious suggestion is to find a similar QUALITY gym in your area and get involved.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    If you can get a swim membership and go, then that will give you a low impact workout with amazing results. I never look more toned then when I add my swimming in. Its not hard on your body and will give you nice quiet time which a new mom needs lol !
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