I could use some help designing a strength training routine

Hi. I am 52 and still have about 80 (yikes) pounds to lose. I go to the gym and do strength training and really love it. I don't have any one to work out with and I don't do leg day, arm day etc.... I usually try and just get every major part of me in some way and work out for 45 minutes to and hour at a time, 3-5 times a week. The problem is I feel like I am just doing the exact same things over and over again and need a couple of routines I can do. Maybe like Option 1 two days a week, option 2 two days a week. I hope that makes sense. I am just hoping to expand my knowledge, keep from getting bored and not just train the same muscles every time and ignore others. If you have some advice I would love to hear it and if you want please send me a personal message and we can talk more. Thanks so much in advance for any help I can get.


  • ajlala1221
    ajlala1221 Posts: 5 Member
    Me too!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Let me preface this by saying 2 things: 1) I am a reader. The written word is how I learn best so books are a huge part of how I got started lifting and learning. 2) I am not a professional. Far from it.
    My journey to loving what my body has the potential to do began with Strong Curves by Bret Contreras. Let me just go ahead and promise you that Bret's beginner's program will build your booty and legs beyond what you presently believe is possible. Michael Matthews is a pro when it comes to teaching us about our bodies and how lifting heavy things can change your world. Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael is a must-have. From there, I began his one-year challenge for women. Unbelievable! Truly just mind-blowing how every promise he makes has come to pass for me. And Michael will answer any question you have. Just ask via his web-site and he will respond. Always within a cpl hours, in my experience. He truly loves helping people get healthy.

    Best of luck to you. Hope this helps a little.

    Edited to add my age: I'm 41 so no spring chicken. But my body looks better today than it ever did in my 20's. :-)
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I would go with New Rules of Lifting for Life. It's a book for people in your age bracket (but really, for anyone). It's one of the better designed programs that i've seen.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I would go with New Rules of Lifting for Life. It's a book for people in your age bracket (but really, for anyone). It's one of the better designed programs that i've seen.

    I second New Rules of Lifting for Life...I read it purely for more knowledge, and I found it to be very beneficial, particularly when I was rehabbing from a bicycle crash.

    You should definitely follow an established program for best results. Programming your own routine takes a lot of knowledge and experience. To boot, most people who do are simply taking elements from other established programs and working them into their own thing....but even then, you have to have a pretty good base of knowledge to avoid muscular imbalances and over-training.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Let me preface this by saying 2 things: 1) I am a reader. The written word is how I learn best so books are a huge part of how I got started lifting and learning. 2) I am not a professional. Far from it.
    My journey to loving what my body has the potential to do began with Strong Curves by Bret Contreras. Let me just go ahead and promise you that Bret's beginner's program will build your booty and legs beyond what you presently believe is possible. Michael Matthews is a pro when it comes to teaching us about our bodies and how lifting heavy things can change your world. Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael is a must-have. From there, I began his one-year challenge for women. Unbelievable! Truly just mind-blowing how every promise he makes has come to pass for me. And Michael will answer any question you have. Just ask via his web-site and he will respond. Always within a cpl hours, in my experience. He truly loves helping people get healthy.

    Best of luck to you. Hope this helps a little.

    Edited to add my age: I'm 41 so no spring chicken. But my body looks better today than it ever did in my 20's. :-)

    Are you his wife or agent?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Look online for a beginners program, there's some good ones on bodybuilding.com. There's no need to try and plan one yourself, your knowledge is limited so best to learn through programs that already exist.

    Good luck and enjoy!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Let me preface this by saying 2 things: 1) I am a reader. The written word is how I learn best so books are a huge part of how I got started lifting and learning. 2) I am not a professional. Far from it.
    My journey to loving what my body has the potential to do began with Strong Curves by Bret Contreras. Let me just go ahead and promise you that Bret's beginner's program will build your booty and legs beyond what you presently believe is possible. Michael Matthews is a pro when it comes to teaching us about our bodies and how lifting heavy things can change your world. Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael is a must-have. From there, I began his one-year challenge for women. Unbelievable! Truly just mind-blowing how every promise he makes has come to pass for me. And Michael will answer any question you have. Just ask via his web-site and he will respond. Always within a cpl hours, in my experience. He truly loves helping people get healthy.

    Best of luck to you. Hope this helps a little.

    Edited to add my age: I'm 41 so no spring chicken. But my body looks better today than it ever did in my 20's. :-)

    Are you his wife or agent?

    Lol, no afraid not. Just a very satisfied recipient of the knowledge of professionals. Proof is in the mirror.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Starting Strength or Strong Lifts.

    Have fun!