Looking for motivation/support for binge eating

Hey there!

My name is Audrey, I've been binge eating pretty much my whole life (since I'm 7-8 years old). I am overweight and I want to lose 30 to 35 pounds. I've been the same weight for a long time (160-165) I once managed to lose 15 pounds, but gained it all back! I'm unemployed at the moment so I spend most of my time at home so the temptation to eat all day is high!

I'm looking for someone who is also a binge eater so we can support each other and write to each other when we feel like binging! If you speak french, it's even better (I'm from Quebec ! :) ) but english is fine too.

Any success story with binge eating? Or do you guys have any tricks? I've been reading a few but they are not very helping :/