Starting New Rules of Lifting for Women (NRLFW)

Hi, my name is Michelle, and I'm starting NRLFW and was looking for others who are going to start in November or have recently started to do the journey with me, like an accountability buddy. My husband has a lot of equipment out in our barn, so I substitute some of the moves (like doing a bent over row instead of a sitting row). Just did the first day all BW to get some of the moves down but will redo with some weight on Monday. Feel free to add me!


  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    What is this NRLFW of which you speak? I am interested in ramping up my lifting...if that's what you could call my 10 lb. hand weights of 15/3 reps. Any advice as well as an explanation?
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    What is this NRLFW of which you speak? I am interested in ramping up my lifting...if that's what you could call my 10 lb. hand weights of 15/3 reps. Any advice as well as an explanation?

    Stands for "New Rules of Lifting For Women," which is a popular strength training program geared for women. I've heard lots of good about it. You could also try Stronglifts 5x5, it's SUPER simple which I really like. Either way you'll need to go way heavier than 10 lbs :)
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Just wanna join in this forum too! I'm doing NRLFW as well, Stage One, just finished Day 3! NO barbie weights, hahahah!
    Would love to have more friends who are doing NRLFW... need more peeps who are on the same road as I am! Add me if you guys like!
    By the way, I can't really find transformation pictures of those who finished NRLFW, like success stories.. Anyone know where I can search for it? (it will help motivate!)
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm reading the book now but so far have only followed its suggestion of changing my macronutrient intake to a 40/30/30 (carbs/protein/fat) ratio, as well as a few other nutritional suggestions. I've had a hard time meeting my protein goal even when it was lower, so I've started adding flax seed meal to some foods I regularly eat (like cereal) and trying to fit in high-protein snacks. I also decided to have a protein shake after my workout yesterday (also something recommended by NRLFW) and there was a noticeable reduction in my fatigue level, so I think I'll start doing that regularly. I like the book a lot, and it's in line with what I read from the more knowledgeable and experienced MFPers.